경남 남해에서 재배되고 있는 섬애쑥의 식품 및 기능성 소재로서의 활용도 제고를 위하여 화학성분을
분석하였다. 섬애쑥의 일반성분을 잎, 줄기 및 뿌리 부위별로 조사한 결과 조단백질은 각각 19.87, 6.14,
5.68%로 나타났고, 조지방은 4.56, 1.30, 1.20%이었으며, 조섬유는 16.80, 29.70, 29.45%로 나타났다.
섬애쑥의 주요 무기성분은 K, Ca, Mg으로 나타났으며, 잎에서 K과 Ca의 함량이 각각 4,270.24, 617.64
mg/100g으로 뿌리보다 2배 이상 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 유리당은 잎과 뿌리에는 sucrose와 glucose
가, 줄기에서는 glucose와 fructose가 검출되었다. 총아미노산은 17종이 분리되었으며, 잎의 총아미노산함량이 4,864.11 mg/100g으로 가장 높았으며, 줄기는 1,953.99mg/100g, 뿌리는 1,601.73mg/100g 순으
로 나타났다. 부위별 주요아미노산으로 잎과 줄기에서는 proline(963.91 및 407.52mg/100g)과 aspartic
acid(577.38 및 299.17mg/100g)이었고, 뿌리에서는 glutamic acid(206.34mg/100g)와 arginine(193.23
mg/100g)이 가장 높게 함유되어 있었다. 지방산 조성을 분석한 결과 잎, 줄기 및 뿌리 모두 linoleic
acid(C18:2), behenic acid(C22:0) 및 palmitic acid(C16:0)가 주요 지방산으로 나타났으며, 생리활성 성분으로서의 부위별 eupatilin과 jaceosidin 함량은 잎에서 35.0과 107.63mg/100g으로 줄기와 뿌리보다 높은 함량을 보였다.
The chemical components in different parts of Artemisia argyi was investigated to provide industrial possibilities as functional foods The analysis result of proximate composition in leaves, stems and roots of Artenisia argyi was substantially as follows. The crude protein contents were 19.87, 6.14 and 5.68%, the crude lipid contents were 4.56, 1.30 and 1.20%, the crude fiber contents were 16.80, 29.70 and 29.45%, respectively. The major mineral components in Artemisia argyi were potassium, calcium and magnesium. Contents of potassium and calcium in leaves were 4,270.24 and 617.64 mg/100 g, respectively, they were more than double the contents of root. Sucrose and glucose as main free sugars were detected in the leaves and roots. However, glucose and fructose were identified in the stem. Total amino acids showed 17 amino acids. Contents of total amino acid in the leaves was the highest as 4,864.11mg/100g, and the stems and roots showed 1,953.99 and 1,601.73mg/100g, respectively. The major amino acids in the leaves and stems were proline(963.91 and 407.52mg/100g) and aspartic acid(577.38 and 299.17mg/100g), respectively. Glutamic acid(206.34mg/100g) and arginine(193.23mg/100g) were main amino acids in the roots. The major fatty acids in all parts were linoleic acid(C18:2), behenic acid(C22:0), and palmitic acid(C16:0). Eupatilin(35.0mg/100g) and jaceosidin (107.63mg/100g) as physiological compounds contents were higher in leaves than other parts.