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진주시 주변 산림에서 안개의 화학적 특성 KCI 등재

Chemical Characteristics of Fog at a Forested Area in Jinju

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/280225
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농업생명과학연구 (Journal of Agriculture & Life Science)
경상대학교 농업생명과학연구원 (Institute of Agriculture & Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)

구는 안개를 채취하여 화학적 조성을 분석하고 금후 산성안개의 대책에 필요한 기초자료로 활용하고자 수행하였다. 안개수의 pH는 2010년도가 4.3이었고, 2011년은 4.0으로서 강한 산성이었고, 전기전도도는 평균 477.2와 562.7 ㎲이었다. 안개수의 음이온 중 봄철과 여름철 NO3- 농도가 각각 267.1, 279.1 mg/L로서 가장 높았고, 다음으로 SO42- 농도가 각각 177.2, 198.6 mg/L이었다. 가을과 겨울철 NO3- 농도가 각각 217.7, 237.9 mg/L로서 가장 높았고, 다음으로 SO42-농도가 각각 164.2, 190.1 mg/L이었다(p<0.05). 양이온은 봄철과 여름철 Ca2+농도가 각각 221.3, 233.7 mg/L로서 가장 높았고, Na+ 농도가 각각 125.1, 131.7 mg/L이었다. 가을과 겨울철에 Ca2+농도가 각각 196.8, 198.8 mg/L로서 가장 높았고, 다음으로 Na+ 농도가 각각 97.1, 117.2 mg/L이었다(p<0.05). 산성안개를 일으키는 안개수의 pH와 EC(r=-0.9861**), NO3-(r=-0.9677**), SO42- (r=-0.9510**), Ca2+는 1% 수준에서 상관이 있었다. 산성안개수의 생성에 영향을 하는 인자의 회귀 방정식을 나타내면 Y(pH)= 6.4627 + 0.9723X2(EC) + 0.9364X4(NO3-) + 0.9044X5(SO42- )+ 0.8049X10(Ca2+) + 0.6709X8(K+) (r2=0.8787)로 추정되었다.

This study was carried out to analyze chemical compositions of the fog water of a forest area, Jinju and to provide basic information for establishing measures on the acid fog water of forest area. The results are as follows: The pH of fog water was 4.3 in 2010, whereas the pH in 2011 was 4.0. The electrical conductivity of the fog water was 477.2㎲in 2010, and 562.7㎲in 2011. Among the anions, the concentration of NO3- was the highest, which recorded 267.1 mg/L in spring season and 279.1 mg/L in summer season, followed by SO42- at the concentration of 177.2 mg/L in spring season and 198.6mg/L in summer season. In autumn and winter, the concentration of NO3- was highest as 217.7 mg/L and 237.9 mg/L, respectively and followed by SO42-, which concentration was 164.2 mg/L in autumn season and 190.1 mg/L in winter season (p<0.05). Among the cations, the concentration of Ca2+ was 221.3 mg/L in spring and 233.7mg/L in summer, followed by Na+ at 125.1 mg/L in spring season and 131.7 mg/L in summer In autumn and winter, the concentration of Ca2+ was highest at 196.8 mg/L and 198.8 mg/L, followed by Na+ at the concentration of 97.1 mg/L in autumn and 117.2 mg/L in winter (p<0.05). The pH of the fog rain that causes acid mist showed the correlation with Ca++ (1% of level), EC(r=-0.9861**), NO3- (r=-0.9677**), and SO42- (r=-0.9510**). The regression equation on the factors affecting the generation of acidic fog rain was estimated to be a Y(pH)= 6.4627 + 0.9723X2(EC) + 0.9364X4(NO3-) + 0.9044X5(SO42- )+ 0.8049X10(Ca2+) + 0.6709X8(K+) (r2=0.8787).

  • 이총규(경남과학기술대학교 산림자원학과) | Chong-Kyu Lee Corresponding author