For appropriate nutrient management and enhanced plant growth, soil sensors which reflect soil nutrient levels are required. Because there is no available sensor for nutrient monitoring, electrical conductivity (EC) sensor can be used to evaluate soil nutrient levels. Soil nutrient management using EC sensors would be possible by understanding the relationship between sensor EC values and soil temperature, moisture, and nutrient content. However, the relationship between soil sensor EC values and plant available nutrients was not investigated. Therefore, the objectives of the study were to evaluate effect of different amount of urea on soil EC monitored by sensors during pepper and broccoli cultivation and to predict the plant available nutrient contents in soil. During the cultivation period, soil was collected periodically for analyzing pH and EC, and the available nutrient contents. The sensor EC value increased as the moisture content increased, and low fertilizer treated soil showed the lowest EC value. Principal component analysis was performed to determine the relationship between sensor EC and available nutrients in soil. Sensor EC showed a strong positive correlation with nitrate nitrogen and available Ca. In addition, sum of available nutrients such as Ca, Mg, K, P, S and N was positively related to the sensor EC values. Therefore, EC sensors in open field can be used to predict plant available nutrient levels for proper management of the soil.
This research investigated how adding Sb (0.75, 1.0, 2.0 and 5.0 wt%) to as-extruded aluminum alloys affected their microstructure, mechanical properties, electric and thermal conductivity. The addition of Sb resulted in the formation of AlSb intermetallic compounds. It was observed that intermetallic compounds in the alloys were distributed homogenously in the Al matrix. As the content of Sb increased, the area fraction of intermetallic compounds increased. It can be clearly seen that the intermetallic compounds were crushed into fine particles and homogenously arrayed during the extrusion process. As the Sb content increased, the average grain size decreased remarkably from 282.6 μm (0.75 wt%) to 109.2 μm (5.0 wt%) due to dynamic recrystallization by the dispersed intermetallic compounds in the aluminum matrix during the hot extrusion. As the Sb content increased from 0.75 to 2.0 wt%, the electrical conductivity decreased from 61.0 to 59.8 % of the International Annealed Copper Standard. Also, as the Sb content increased from 0.75 to 2.0 wt%, the ultimate tensile strength did not significantly change, from 67.3 to 67.8 MPa.
Effects of Sc addition on microstructure, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and mechanical properties of the as-cast and as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5 wt%) alloys are investigated. The average grain size of the as-cast Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg alloy is 2,334 μm; however, this value drops to 914 and 529 μm with addition of Sc element at 0.25 wt% and 0.5 wt%, respectively. This grain refinement is due to primary Al3Sc phase forming during solidification. The as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg alloy has a recrystallization structure consisting of almost equiaxed grains. However, the asextruded Sc-containing alloys consist of grains that are extremely elongated in the extrusion direction. In addition, it is found that the proportion of low-angle grain boundaries below 15 degree is dominant. This is because the addition of Sc results in the formation of coherent and nano-scale Al3Sc phases during hot extrusion, inhibiting the process of recrystallization and improving the strength by pinning of dislocations and the formation of subgrain boundaries. The maximum values of the yield and tensile strength are 126 MPa and 215 MPa for the as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-0.25Sc alloy, respectively. The increase in strength is probably due to the existence of nano-scale Al3Sc precipitates and dense Al2Cu phases. Thermal conductivity of the as-cast Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc alloy is reduced to 204, 187 and 183 W/MK by additions of elemental Sc of 0, 0.25 and 0.5 wt%, respectively. On the other hand, the thermal conductivity of the as-extruded Al-2Zn-1Cu-0.3Mg-xSc alloy is about 200 W/Mk regardless of the content of Sc. This is because of the formation of coherent Al3Sc phase, which decreases Sc content and causes extremely high electrical resistivity.
Transparent conducting electrodes are essential components in various optoelectrical devices. Although indium tin oxide thin films have been widely used for transparent conducting electrodes, silver nanowire network is a promising alternative to indium tin oxide thin films owing to its lower processing cost and greater suitability for flexible device application. In order to widen the application of silver nanowire network, the electrical conductance has to be improved while maintaining high optical transparency. In this study, we report the enhancement of the electrical conductance of silver nanowire network transparent electrodes by copper electrodeposition on the silver nanowire networks. The electrodeposited copper lowered the sheet resistance of the silver nanowire networks from 21.9 Ω/□ to 12.6 Ω/□. We perform detailed X-ray diffraction analysis revealing the effect of the amount of electrodeposited copper-shell on the sheet resistance of the core-shell(silver/copper) nanowire network transparent electrodes. From the relationship between the cross-sectional area of the copper-shell and the sheet resistance of the transparent electrodes, we deduce the electrical resistivity of electrodeposited copper to be approximately 4.5 times that of copper bulk.
TaNx film is grown by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) using t-butylimido tris(dimethylamido) tantalum as a metalorganic source with various reactive gas species, such as N2+H2 mixed gas, NH3, and H2. Although the pulse sequence and duration are the same, aspects of the film growth rate, microstructure, crystallinity, and electrical resistivity are quite different according to the reactive gas. Crystallized and relatively conductive film with a higher growth rate is acquired using NH3 as a reactive gas while amorphous and resistive film with a lower growth rate is achieved using N2+H2 mixed gas. To examine the relationship between the chemical properties and resistivity of the film, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is conducted on the ALD-grown TaNx film with N2+H2 mixed gas, NH3, and H2. For a comparison, reactive sputter-grown TaNx film with N2 is also studied. The results reveal that ALD-grown TaNx films with NH3 and H2 include a metallic Ta-N bond, which results in the film’s higher conductivity. Meanwhile, ALD-grown TaNx film with a N2+H2 mixed gas or sputtergrown TaNx film with N2 gas mainly contains a semiconducting Ta3N5 bond. Such a different portion of Ta-N and Ta3N5 bond determins the resistivity of the film. Reaction mechanisms are considered by means of the chemistry of the Ta precursor and reactive gas species.
Doped-LaCrO3 perovskites, because of their good electrical conductivity and thermal stability in oxidizing and/or reducing environments, are used in high temperature solid oxide fuel cells as a gas-tight and electrically conductive interconnection layer. In this study, perovskite (La0.8Ca0.2)(Cr0.9Co0.1)O3 (LCCC) coatings manufactured by atmospheric plasma spraying followed by heat treatment at 1200 oC have been investigated in terms of microstructural defects, gas tightness and electrical conductivity. The plasma-sprayed LCCC coating formed an inhomogeneous layered structure after the successive deposition of fully-melted liquid droplets and/or partially-melted droplets. Micro-sized defects including unfilled pores, intersplat pores and micro-cracks in the plasma-sprayed LCCC coating were connected together and allowed substantial amounts gas to pass through the coating. Subsequent heat treatment at 1200 oC formed a homogeneous granule microstructure with a small number of isolated pores, providing a substantial improvement in the gas-tightness of the LCCC coating. The electrical conductivity of the LCCC coating was consequently enhanced due to the complete elimination of inter-splat pores and microcracks, and reached 53 S/cm at 900 oC.
The effect of CNT diameters on properties of CNT-polyamide composites was investigated such as electrical conductivity, tensile strength and thermal conductivity. To get different diameter distributions of CNTs, several portions of Mo and Fe in Mo-Fe/MgO catalysts were synthesized by a combustion method at 600℃. And all CNTs growed at 900℃ with 3 SLM methane and 1 SLM hydrogen for 40min. Four kinds of CNTs with different diameter distributions, such as 1~3nm, 3~7nm, 7~13nm, and 10~30nm, were selected to make CNT-polyamide composites. Each composite was manufactured by a solution mixing using bar-type ultra-sonicator in the CNT portions from 1phr to 50phr. And electrical conductivity, tensile strength, and thermal conductivity were measured. Three properties of CNT-polyamide composite, manufactured with 10nm diameter, were more excellent compared to other composites, with electrical conductivity Ω at 7phr, thermal conductivity 2.4.W/mK at 40phr, tensile strength 60MPa at 30phr. CNTs with a diameter of 10nm were superior to other diameters for the multi-functional composite such as CNT-polyamide composites.
본 연구는 낙동강 하구역의 사주섬 중 최서측에 위치하는 진우도를 대상으로 실험구를 구축한 후 해안선의 법선 방향으로 정점 5곳을 선정하여 2012년 3월부터 2013년 1월까지 약 11개월간 관측된 수온, 전기전도도, 압력값을 이용하여 지하수위 변동해석을 하였다. 1) 지하수의 수온, 염분, 수위변동과 조위, 파랑, 강수량 등의 외력조건과의 시계열 분석 및 상관분석을 통하여, 조간대정점에서는 파랑 및 조위의 영향, 식생 및 모래지반 정점에서는..
사질토 지역에서의 내부수위 변동은 매질을 통한 물의 이동 및 변동에 대한 다양한 정보를 제공하며, 특히 자연해빈에서의 내부수위 변동은 그 지역의 지형적, 환경적, 생태적, 수문학적인 변화를 결정짓는 중요한 요소이다.본 연구는 낙동강 진우도 해안선의 법선 방향으로 관측점 5곳을 선정하여 2012년 3월부터 2013년 1월까지 약10개월간의 수온, 전기전도도, 압력값을 관측하였으며,관측값을 토대로 진우도 내의 내부수위 변동특성을 알아보고자 하였다.
In this paper, a three dimensional numerical analysis tool was applied to study the PEMFC performance characteristics. The porosity and electrical conductivity of GDL and CL as well as the relative humidity of anode and cathode channel gas were selected as simulation parameters. The porosity of GDL and CL was varied as 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7. The relative humidity of anode and cathode was varied as 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 percent. The electrical conductivity of GDL and CL was varied as 1, 5, 10, 50, 102, and 104 1/Ω·m. For a constant cell voltage condition, the maximum current density was obtained at GDL porosity of 0.7, anode relative humidity of 100 percent, cathode relative humidity of 60 percent, and electrical conductivity of 104 1/Ω·m for GDL and CL. As the porosity of GDL and CL increases, current density increases because reactant gases diffuse well. As the electrical conductivity of GDL and CL increases, current density increases due to increased electron transfer rate. As anode relative humidity increases, current density increases. Unlike anode, current density increases when cathode relative humidity increases from 0 percent to 60 percent. Then current density decreases when cathode relative humidity increases from 60 percent to 100 percent.
본연구는 파프리카의 양액재배시 온도와 급액의 농도가 역병균의 생장과 유주자낭 형성에 미치는 영향을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 순수 분리된 역병균의 균학적 특징에는 격막이 존재하지 않았으며 역병균의 전형적 특징인 유주자낭이 형성되는 것을 관찰하였다. 온도조건에 따른 역병균의 균사생장은 25℃에서 가장 왕성하였으며, 20℃, 30℃ 그리고 15℃ 순으로 나타났다. 급액의 농도에 따른 역병균 균사의 생장은 EC 0.5에서 1.5까지 점진적인 증가를 보였으며, EC 1.5에서 가장 빠르게 생장하는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 EC 2.0에서부터 감소하여 EC 3.5 이상에서는 균사가 전혀 생장하지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. EC 농도에 따른 역병균의 유주자낭 형성 정도는 급액의 EC 농도가 높을수록 유의성 있게 감소하였으며 EC 4.0에서는 가장 억제되었다.
In this study, the effect of Sn and Mg on microstructure and mechanical properties of Cu-Fe-P alloy were investigated by using scanning electron microscope, transmission electron microscope, tensile strength, electrical conductivity, thermal softening, size and distribution of the precipitation phases in order to satisfy characteristic for lead frame material. It was observed that Cu-0.14wt%Fe-0.03wt%P-0.05wt%Si-0.1wt%Zn with Sn and Mg indicates increasing tensile strength compare with PMC90 since Sn restrained the growth of the Fe-P precipitation phase on the matrix. However, the electrical conductivity was decreased by adding addition of Sn and Mg because Sn was dispersed on the matrix and restrained the growth of the Fe-P precipitation. The size of 100 nm Mg3P2 precipitation phase was observed having lattice parameter a:12.01Å such that [111] zone axis. According to the results of the study, the tensile strength and the electrical conductivity satisfied the requirements of lead frame; so, there is the possibility of application as a substitution material for lead frame of Cu alloy.
This study looked at high performance copper-based alloys as LED lead frame materials with higher electrical-conductivity and the maintenance of superior tensile strength. This study investigated the effects on the tensile strength, electrical conductivity, thermal softening, size and distribution of the precipitation phases when Cr was added in Cu-Fe alloy in order to satisfy characteristics for LED Lead Frame material. Strips of the alloys were produced by casting and then properly treated to achieve a thickness of 0.25 mm by hot-rolling, scalping, and cold-rolling; mechanical properties such as tensile strength, hardness and electrical-conductivity were determined and compared. To determine precipitates in alloy that affect hardness and electrical-conductivity, electron microscope testing was also performed. Cr showed the effect of precipitation hardened with a Cr3Si precipitation phase. As a result of this experiment, appropriate aging temperature and time have been determined and we have developed a copper-based alloy with high tensile strength and electrical-conductivity. This alloy has the possibility for use as a substitution material for the LED Lead Frame of Cu alloy.