한려해상국립공원 금산 지역의 야생조류 변화를 2010년부터 2013년까지 조사하여 멸종위기야생생물, 우점종, 환경지표종을 분석하였다. 4년 동안 출현한 야생조류는 8목 21과 50종이며, 2013년도에 39종 (397개체)으로 가장 많은 종이 관찰되었다. 멸종위기야생생물은 매, 붉은배새매, 팔색조 3종이었고, 이동성 현황은 텃새가 60%, 여름철새 32%, 겨울철새 4%의 순으로 높은 비율을 나타내었다. 우점종은 박새(9.2%), 직박구리(7.7%), 곤줄박이(7.5%), 흰배지빠귀(5.9%), 붉은머리오목눈이(5.5%), 오목눈이(4.7%), 멧비둘기(4.6%), 큰부리까마귀(4.0%), 어치(3.7%)의 순이였으며, 종다양도지수(H')는 3.409였다. 환경지표종 분석에서 개체수가 증가한 종은 쇠딱다구리, 박새, 딱새, 노랑턱멧새, 흰배지빠귀 5종이었고, 개체수가 감소한 종은 직박구리 1종이었다.
Changes of avifauna in Mt. Geumsan area, Hallyeohaesang National Park was studied from 2010 to 2013. And Endangered species, dominant species, and environmental indicator species were analyzed. For 4 years, 8 orders, 21 families and 50 species of birds were recorded in the study area. The most number of species and individuals were observed in 2013 as 39 species and 397 individuals. It was observed 3 Endangered species which were Falco peregrinus, Accipiter soloensis and Pitta nympha. The ratio of migration types were 60% of resident, 32% of summer visitor, and 4% of winter visitor. Dominant species were Parus major (9.2%), Hypsipetes amaurotis (7.7%), Parus varius (7.5%), Turdus pallidus (5.9%), Paradoxornis webbianus (5.5%), Aegithalos caudatus (4.7%), Streptopelia orientalis (4.6%), Corvus macrorhynchos (4.0%) and Garrulus glandarius (3.7%) in order, and Species diversity index (H') was 3.409. For environmental indicator species, the number of individuals increased in Dendrocopos kizuki, Parus major, Phoenicurus auroreus, Emberiza elegans and Turdus pallidus, and declined in Hypsipetes amaurotis, during the study period.