The Spatial Poetics and the Speaker(/s): A Reading of “ The Hollow Men"
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2. 화자(/들)의 목소리와 정체성
3. 기표 "왕국"이 만들어 내는 다양한 공간의 시학
4. 나가는 말
The ambiguities, resulting from the unclear textual meanings due to the avoidance of the specific description of the poetic situations based on sequential order, characterizes “The Hollow Men" as typical of Eliotic po테cs. Compared with his major poems, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," “Gerontion," and The Waste Land, “The HOIIOW Men" excels in its evocation of ambiguous imagery and contexts by using various poetic methods: ambiguous names and multiple voices, n이 to mention allusions. Especially Eliot's treatment of the word “kingdom" in “The Hollow Men," which shows the arbitrary relationship between the signifier and the signified, contributes to the presentation of the more extended world in space and time than in The Waste Land, of the past and tbe pre5ent, because the poetic world of “The Hollow Men" comprises both this world and the other world‘ On the other hand, Eliot's inclusive use of the first person pronouns, 1 and we, results in the unclear speaker(ls), making it difficult for the reader to identify him(lthem). This technique al50 made it possible for the reader to recognize the presence of several voices in The Waste Land. In “The Hollow Men," Eliot's ambiguous treatment of the first person pronouns can be said to help represent a poetic world rich with multiple suggestions and connotations, in which readers can understand differently the identity of speaker(/s) and even the number of “kingdom" present there. In short, the multiple or ambiguous meanings of "The Hollow Men" can be said to derive paradoxically from the poet’s minimal description and uncJear use of pronouns, logether with Ihe use of allusions.