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우리나라 노인 대상 원예치료 연구의 현황과 과제 KCI 등재

The current Status of the Application of Horticultual Therapy on the Elderly and Tasks in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283807
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인간식물환경학회지 (Journal of People Plants and Environment)
인간식물환경학회 (Society For People, Plants, And Environment)

The purpose of this study was to provide basic information for those who are interested in applying horticultural therapy to the elderly, through the current status of horticultural therapy research and its findings for Korean elderly. For this purpose, we utilized content analysis centering around all of academic theses and articles related this topic. This study suggested the future tasks for programming and research of horticultural therapy for the elderly. First, institution, accommodation and professional manpower should be maintained to fix programs of horticultural therapy in welfare institutions for the aged. Second, interdisciplinary studies among horticulture, health, psychology, sociology and social welfare should be required to do multiple research relevant to development of horticultural therapy and its application. Third, more studies on inter-generational program of horticultural therapy and its effect comparison on different kinds of older population should be recommended. Finally, multiple research designs and qualitative research methods should be more utilized in future studies.

  • 김형수(호서대학교 사회복지학과) | Hyoung Soo Kim
  • 한경희(단국대학교 원예치료학과) | Kyung Hee Han