Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) is an ozone-depleting substance that is subject to environmental regulations based on the Montreal Protocol, and in Republic of Korea, which is regarded as a developing country, its use will be restricted in phase starting in 2013 until finally being prohibited in 2030. HCFC is regulated based on the Tokyo Protocol, HCFC is a regulated construction material for carbon dioxide reduction with GWP of 1,700 ~ 2,400 times that of CO2, with a GWP of 1. KS M 3808 than in the reference indicated in the C5 (15 : 15 : 20 : 50%) and C9 (20 : 10 : 20 : 50%) 0.33 mm 0.31 mm Cell size is shown in the analysis, etc. The compressive strength of the insulation, foaming agent mixing ratio according bending failure load, the thermal conductivity (initial and long-term), moisture permeability coefficient, combustible results, showed superior.