표고 톱밥배지 재배시 녹색LED 광량에 따른 생육특성 분석 결과 5 umol ·m -2 · s -1에서 3주기 기준 배지당 자실체 의 수량은 239 g으로 형광등 202 g 대비 18% 증수효과가 있었으며, 자실체 폴리페놀 함량은 형광등 107 ppm에 대 비 78.4 ppm으로 27% 정도 낮았지만 에르고스테롤 함량 은 형광등 145 ppm 대비 307 ppm으로 2.1배 높은 함량을 보였다. 전력소모량은 형광등 대비 15.9%의 에너지 절감 율을 보였으며, 전등의 에너지 효율이 77.5%로 가장 컸다.
In previous studies, we selected the green LED(light emitting diodes) for suitable wavelength of the light by higher commercial yields and lower ratio of the abnormal fruit body in Lentinula edodes. In this study, we aimed to select efficient irradiation intensity of the green LED. Stronger irradiation intensity of the green LED resulted in more polyphenol content of fruit body. And Polyphenol content of fluorescent lamp was similar to that of the green LED 20 umol·m-2·s-1.. Ergosterol content of the green LED 5 umol·m-2·s-1 was showed higher 2.1 times than that of the fluorescent lamp. In four level of irradiation intensity, 5, 10, 15, 20 umol·m-2·s-1 there was no big difference in characteristics of the fruit body. However the yield of fruit body in the green LED 5 umol·m-2·s-1 is higher than the others. In addition, The amount of electricity used of the green LED 5 umol·m-2·s-1 was reduced 15.9% than that of the fluorescent lamp. In conclusion, we selected 5 umol·m-2·s-1 for suitable irradiation intensity in Lentinula edodes with sawdust substrate cultivation.