This study to figure out the diversity patterns, community structures, and seasonality of ground beetle assemblages in ecosystem and landscape conservation areas around the Wangpi-cheon area, Korea. A total of 38 species belonging to 20 genera of 8 subfamilies were identified from 2,486 collected ground beetles. Species richness was high in Pterostichinae (16 species, 42.11%), Carabinae (8 species, 21.05%), Harpalinae (5 species, 13.16%), Callistinae (3 species, 7.89%), Nebriinae (3 species, 7.89%) and others (1 species, 2.63%). The dominant species were Synuchus cycloderus(41.2%) and Aulonocarabus seishinensis seishinensis (13.4%) and their seasonal activities according to the sites were different. According to non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), ground beetles and ecological grades could be divided into two distinct groups: St. 1, St. 2, St. 3 group and St. 4 group. Some species such as Pterostichus orientalis, P. vicinus and P. bellator bellator were particularly abundant at St. 4. Also, Acoptolabrus mirabilissimus ssp. 1 is discovered in the Wangpi-cheon area for the first time.