Prior to 1990s, most farmers customarily sprayed the agrochemicals that only just recommended by association or pesticide dealers, regardless of the monitoring for the disease incidences and pest occurrences. In 1993, agrochemicals sprayed in apple orchards a year had been done about 15 ~16 times. As founded the Apple Research Station (ARS) in 1991, a study for the construction of Integrated Pest Managements (IPMs) were actively done during 1990s and the IPM was paved the way to control on apple diseases and pests during the 2000s. The co-work between ARS and Seoul National University during 1996 to 2001 for the monitoring and development of IPM strategies using sex pheromone made easy understanding for IPM and occurrence monitoring results by showing the pests to apple farmers.
Through the 2000s, IPM pilot project for the distribution of IPM technique utilizing sex pheromone trap and mating disrupter to the field has endeavored. Currently, sex pheromone trap plays an important role for monitoring of the major apple pests and the quarantine pest, C. sasakii on apple. Moreover, sex pheromonebased mating disruptor has been used almost all organic apple orchards for the control of one of major fruit-infesting pest, G. molesta and C. sasakii.
Henceforth, the application of sex pheromone trap for monitoring as well as the active expansion and provision of mating disruptor for the control is needed. To this, first of all, it is very important to reduce prices by developing the techniques than other things. Second, reinforced education for monitoring staffs must be done continuously to instruct and to consult the farmers with the monitoring results to give guidance. Third, companies competing in good faith will improve and maintain their product quality.