two different sizes of yellow sticky traps (small trap: 9.6×8.0cm; large trap: 9.6×16cm) for sampling greenhouse whitefly (GHWF), Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), adults in four commercial cherry tomato greenhouses. The patch size of GHWF immatures between plants was also estimated using visual counts. Two variogram models were fitted to the empirical variograms developed from the data collected by each sampling method. All the variograms reached the sill indicating the presence of spatial dependence among the spatial data obtained by the two sampling methods. For GHWF adults on sticky traps the range of variogram (a measure of attractive distance) was not different between the two trap sizes. This result indicated that the attractive distances of the two different yellow sticky traps were very similar. The ranges of the variograms for the visual count of immatures on plants were always less than those for adults, indicating that the attractive distance of the traps for GHWF adults extends beyond the patch size for immatures on cherry tomato plants. These data have implications for developing sampling plans for the management of GHWF in tomato greenhouses.