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        검색결과 12

        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to compare meal skipping, snacking, and weight perceptions between students on-campus living alone and off-campus living with parents, in an urban college in the United States. The self-report survey was completed by 219 college students (on-campus=100, off-campus=119) between April and May 2012. Two-thirds (67%) of the respondents skipped at least one meal in the past week, and most participants showed strong desires to lose weight despite their normal/under-weight status. Significant differences between the two groups were obtained for the reason to skip a meal and the type of snack consumed. Compared to on-campus students, significantly higher values were obtained for off-campus students for choosing ‘no time to prepare’ as a meal skipping reason for lunch and dinner, and ‘sweets’ as a preferred snack. In addition to the group comparison, multiple regression results indicate that the body mass index (BMI) positively correlates with meal skipping and snacking frequencies. Younger students and female students were determined to have a higher frequency of meal skipping and morning snacking. Future research is required to study the dietary factors associated with living arrangements, to help college students develop healthy eating habits.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 13-year-old mixed dog was referred to the animal medical center, Gyeongsang National University. Lung masses were diagnosed at the left cranial and caudal lobes through diagnostic imaging, and consequently, left pneumonectomy was performed using a self-cutting linear endoscopic stapler. The pulmonary arteries, veins, and bronchus of each lung lobe were sealed and resected at once, and any air leakage or bleeding was not observed after the surgery. Compared to the conventional ligation method, the self-cutting linear endoscopic stapler has the advantage of significantly reducing the operation time and enabling simple and reliable sealing.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 고온기 근권냉방이 파프리카의 배지온도 하강과 파프리카의 생리적 반응에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 7월 16일부터 10월 15일까지 코이어 배지에서 재배 하였다. 냉방방식은 공기순환 덕트(지름 12cm, 미세구멍 (0.1mm)으로 찬 공기(7월~8월; 20 ± 2oC, 9월; 23 ± 2oC) 를 야간시간(오후 5시~오전 3시) 공급하였다. 고온기(7월 23일부터 8월 31일) 중 파프리카 배지의 일평균 온도가 냉방처리구는 24.7oC, 대조구는 28.2oC로, 냉방처리구에서 대조구보다 3.0~5.6oC 배지온도가 낮아 졌다. 하루 중 맑은 날(650~700W · m−2) 주간(오전 5시~ 오후 8시)/야간(오후8시~오전5시) 냉방처리구 배지 온도는 대조구보다 1.7oC/3.3oC 낮아졌다. 오후 6시에서 8시까지 초저녁 배지온도 하강속도가 냉방처리구에서는 평균 0.5oC/h, 대조구는 0oC/h였다. 배지 상부와 하부 간의 대조구 대비 냉방처리구의 온도차도 각각 1.3oC, 0.6oC 였다. 냉방처리는 고온(28~32oC) 배지 온도 노출율을 대조구 대비 32.5% 감소시켰다. 냉방처리구의 파프리카 광합성, 증산율 및 수분포텐셜은 대조구보다 높았다. 첫 개화시기도 대조구보다 4일 앞당겨지고, 착과수도 증가하였다. 냉방처리구의 엽장은 짧아졌으나, 초장, 경경, 분지수, 엽폭 등은 차이가 없었다. 야간 근권냉방으로 배지 온도가 3.0~5.6oC를 낮추었으나, 고온기 온실 온도가 고온에서는 파프리카 착과가 지연되므로, 지상부 온도 하강 방법을 병행하면 파프리카 생육과 착과에 효과적이라 판단된다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the effect of patellar taping common to patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome on the change of knee joint location. The total number of participants is 12 patients with no pain in their knee. There are three different experiments: no-taping, placebo taping, and patellar taping. After application, they squat on their hams. As a result, both the muscle activity of vastus medialis and that of vastus lateralis increased in placebo taping compared to no-taping, which wasn't statistically significant. However, the muscle activity of vastus medialis and that of vastus lateralis decreased in patellar taping compared to no-taping, which was statistically significant. This suggests that patellar taping causing the lateral attraction of knee joint is more influential to the dynamics of knee joint than skin afferent input in placebo taping. Therefore, patellar taping is effective to change the location of knee joint, affect the muscle activity of quadriceps muscle of thigh, and thus correct the misalignments of the knee joint.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        two different sizes of yellow sticky traps (small trap: 9.6×8.0cm; large trap: 9.6×16cm) for sampling greenhouse whitefly (GHWF), Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), adults in four commercial cherry tomato greenhouses. The patch size of GHWF immatures between plants was also estimated using visual counts. Two variogram models were fitted to the empirical variograms developed from the data collected by each sampling method. All the variograms reached the sill indicating the presence of spatial dependence among the spatial data obtained by the two sampling methods. For GHWF adults on sticky traps the range of variogram (a measure of attractive distance) was not different between the two trap sizes. This result indicated that the attractive distances of the two different yellow sticky traps were very similar. The ranges of the variograms for the visual count of immatures on plants were always less than those for adults, indicating that the attractive distance of the traps for GHWF adults extends beyond the patch size for immatures on cherry tomato plants. These data have implications for developing sampling plans for the management of GHWF in tomato greenhouses.
        2011.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Sulfotransferase 1E1 (SULT1E1, EST) is responsible for the sulfation and inactivation of betaestradiol at physiological concentrations. SULT1E1 null mice have reduced fertility by the disfunction of placenta and ovulation. Based our previous data it was revealed that the ovulation ability of 6-month old tiEsr1KO female mice is similar with the SULT1E1 female mice. In this study the possible relations in ovulation between estrogen and SULT1E1 was examined using real-time PCR and RIA methods in tiEsr1KO model mice. During the induction of superovualtion SULT1E1 gene expression peaked just before ovulation (6 hr posthCG injection) in control mice. As expected the expression patterns were similar between control and 4-weelk old tiEsr1KO female mice. Serum levels of E2 were increased in both tiEsr1KO mice and wild type mice but its level was higher 3 times in tiEsrKO mice than the wild type. Its levels became same between them after hCG administration. On the other hand, 6-month old mice shows the the dramatical increasing the SULT 1E1 expression during folliculogenesis, their expression was increased more than 100 times after hCG 6hr compared with PMSG 12hr control. In contrast with the 4-week old tiEsr1KO female mice, the expression levels of SULT1E1 gene expression were higher levels more than 20 times at 12 hr post PMSG injection. On the other hand, the expression levels of the other SULT family genes, SULT1A1 and SULT2A1 were very low compared with the SULT1E1 and did not show fluctuation during that period. Based on these results, it is suggested that the functional roles of estrogen during folliculogenesis may be regulated by SULT1E1through the metabolism of 17-beta estradiol and that the expression of SULT1E1 gene may be under the control of the levels of estrogen.
        2010.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Insulin like3 (INSL3, Relaxin like factor) is a critical regulator in testis translocation through Leucin rich G-protein coupled receptor 8 (Rxfp2,LGR8) during embryogenesis. In female, INSL3 and their receptor expressed in growing follicle and revealed their function in oogenesis. However, its role is not much evaluated. 6 weeks old C57BL/6 female mice used for measure the expression of INSL3 mRNA and their receptor expression by follicular stage. Follicle cell specific RNA were got from the theca cell and granulose cells which were isolated using LCM. To know the role of INSL 3 in theca cell, Rxpf2 were overexpressed during primary culture of theca cells, which were isolated from tertiary follicles after 12 hr PMSG injection and transduced the Rxfp2 using lenti virus. After 10 days of culture, the proliferation of theca cells was analyzed using EdU. Using Alzet osmotic pumps INSL3 was administered for 3 days into the ovary during superovulation induction. The INSL3 mRNA levels were significantly high in the theca cells of preovulator follicles after hCG injection. But granulose cells showed decreasing expression by growth of follicle. INSL3 stimulated the proliferation of theca cells in vitro which overexpressed the Rxpf2. By the administration of INSL3 into ovary caused the dramatical decrease the number of ovulated oocyte. Based on these results, we know that INSL3 stimulates the theca cell proliferation in as follicle stage specific manners, and estrogen is a modulator of this INSL3 mRNA expression. It suggests that the disturbance of the expression regulation of INSL3 and its receptor cause the unregulated theca cell proliferation and failing the rupture of grown follicle.
        2010.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Antral formation and growth during folliculogenesis are fundamental step for accomplishment both the development and extrusion of competent oocyte. Although it has been suggested that aquaproteins (AQPs) may mediate in fluid pass into the antral cavity of the follicle, many parts are still unmasked. In this study, we examined the role of AQP9 in ovulation using in vitro follicle culture system and siRNA. Expression level of AQP 9 mRNA was dramatically increased from 24 hr and kept until 56 hr (8 hr post hCG injection) after eCG injection. AQP9 mRNA level was mostly high in the theca cells of tertiary follicles and preovulatory follicles compared with granulosa cells. The healthy follicles were isolated using sharp needles at 12 hr post eCG injection (3 wks old CD-1 mice). AQP9 specific siRNAs were transfected into the theca cells with lipofectamin 2000 for 24 hr and 36 hr. After 6 hr of hCG administration into the medium, we measure the diameter of the follicles. The number of ovulated oocytes was counted at 16 hr of hCG. The follicle size was increased more than 30% in control compared with that of AQP9 siRNA treatment group. On the other hand, the ovulation rate was dramatically decreased by suppression of AQP expression (41% vs 15% respectively in control and siRNA). At eCG 48 hr, we cannot find any ovulation marker changed in siRNA treatment group. From these results, we know that AQP9 accelerates the antral growth and ovulation.