Bae et al. (2008) made a illustrated catalogue of the family Pyralidae in Korea, including 349 known species up to date. During the survey of the lepidopterous insects in Jeju island, we found two unrecorded species, Daulia afralis Walker and Herpetogramma cynaralis Walker, from Korea. In this study, we report the two newly recorded species with illustration of adult and genitalia, including available information on distributional range and synonymy. The material examined is now deposited in the Natural History Museum, Hannam University. The genitalia of the species were mounted in Euparal media and photographed with a AxioCam MRc 5 digital camera attached to a Carl Zeiss microscope, with an Axio Imager A1. The color standard for the re-description of adults was based on the Methuen Handbook of Colour.