In recent, the ISO has suggested a new guideline by using an avoidance behavior of soil invertebrates for the use of screening tools in the evaluation of soil contamination. In this study, we used a collembolan, Paronychiurus kimi which is native to Korea, as a test species because of its ecological relevance to Korean soil. The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether the exposure time (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h) and cadmium concentration (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of dry soil) affect the avoidance behavior of P. kimi. Twenty collembolans were introduced to the center of the soil which divided into two sections; cadmium untreated soil was placed in one of the section, and the cadmium treated soil was placed in the opposite section. To minimize soil structural effect on the avoidance behavior, the both soils were compacted by applying unidirectional force to the soil surface. The avoidance behaviors of P. kimi were not significantly affected by cadmium concentrations after 24 and 48 h of exposure, but were significant after 72-120 h. There results showed that avoidance behavior appears to be a good endpoint for the use in evaluation of soil contamination with 72 h of exposure duration.