The traditional use of insects as food continues to be widespread in tropical and subtropical countries and to provide significant nutritional, economic and ecological benefits for rural communities. Specially, Bee brood serves as a food source to humans in many countries although limited data exists concerning its nutrient composition. Bee brood (pupa and larvae) were analyzed for Carbohydrate, Saturated fatty acid, Cholesterol, protein, fat, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Bee brood was high in protein(46.4%~46.73%), fat(18.84%~ 20.75%),carbohydrate(24.66 %~35.79 %), Folic acid(222.30 ㎍/100g), and vitamins. Differentially, folic acid had been contained by high density in pupa of drone. While low in iron, bee brood was a good source of folic acid, and carbohydrate. The fat was composed mostly of saturated and mono-unsaturated fatty acids. The present data suggest bee brood to be an excellent source of many valuable nutrients including energy, amino acids, many essential minerals, and B-vitamins. These data suggest bee brood could be a valuable source of nutrients to various populations.