한국구조물진단유지관리공학회(The Korea Institute For Structural Maintenance and Inspection)
This study examines preventive technology that is to control the leak by rebuilding the waterproofing layer using adhesive gel for the damaged area expected to raise any disaster if there are making leakage in an underground structure.
선윤숙((주)비케이방수방식연구소, 공석) | Seon, Yun Suk
허농희(서울과학기술대학교 일반대학원, 석사과정) | Heo, Neung Hoe
송제영((주)비케이방수방식연구소 연구소장, 공석) | Song, Je Young
이종용((주)리뉴시스템 대표이사) | Lee, Jong Yong
오상근(서울과학기술대 건축학부 교수, 공박) | Oh, Sang Keun
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