Comparative analysis is a typically useful tool for translating genomic information from one species to another. However, currently available softwares are relatively difficult to directly use for researchers that are not familiar with use of bioinformatic tools. Therefore, we intended to develop a new platforms and/or interface through which one can use in more comfortable way, based on the concept of interactive comparative analysis. Towards this direction, we, firstly, constructed relational database to store the information on abiotic stress genes identified from multiple plant species using various resources, such as the TAIR (, gene expression profiles and relevant literatures, and linked with comparative analysis interface. For purposes of comparative analysis and identification of synteny blocks, cross-species orthologous genes were determined using a combination of tBlastX and BlastP homology searches. We adapted and developed a Circos-like format to present resulting comparative maps. Users can readily choose analysis parameters, for example individual genes and specific chromosomes for chosen species, in the pane of analysis DB, which is useful feature to avoid complexity of comparative genomic analysis. This DB-associated comparative analysis tool, developed in this study, will be able to provide customer-friendly interface for comparative analysis and extend its utility across a broader range of plant genomes.