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Optimization of entomopathogenic fungal production to induce high mortality against Riptortus pedestris

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/306770
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한국응용곤충학회 (Korean Society Of Applied Entomology)

Bean bug, Riptortus pedestris is an agriculturally serious pest in north eastern Asian countries, damaging to several legumes and fruit trees. Chemical pesticides have been largely used to control the pest but it encounters insecticide-resistance and environmental toxicity issues. Alternatively different mode of action and environmentally sound pest management system can be found in entomopathogenic fungal insecticides. Herein we developed a platform to optimize the fungal production to express their maximum virulence against bean bug, by focusing on solid culture system for thermotolerance, formulation to select effective surfactants to carry the fungal conidia on the cuticles, and relationship between environmental abiotic factors and fungal mortality. First to produce highly thermotolerance fungal conidia, Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae isolates were cultured on several granular cereal substrates, which could be subjected to formulation process. Among the tested media, four media (millet, non-glutinous italian foxtail millet, glutinous italian foxtail millet, brown rice) were superior to the other grains in the spore production and thermotolerance. Next to efficiently deliver the fungal conidia on the cuticles of bean bug, total of six surfactant (CO-2.5, CO-12, LE-7, PE-61, TED-3 and Siloxane) was used to experiment. CO-12 was superior to the other surfactant in mortality of 100 ppm consistence. This work suggests that solid culture system and formulation and application should be seriously considered to reach an optimal level of mortality by inducing their maximum virulence.

  • Min Ho Song(Department of Agricultural Biology, Chonbuk National University)
  • Jeong Seon Yu(Department of Agricultural Biology, Chonbuk National University)
  • Sihyeon Kim(Department of Agricultural Biology, Chonbuk National University)
  • Se Jin Lee(Department of Agricultural Biology, Chonbuk National Universit)
  • Jae Su Kim(Department of Agricultural Biology, Chonbuk National University)