vThis study analyzed the coat color-related genes of MC1R, ASIP, ECA3-inversion, and STX17 of 1,462 Jeju horses administered by the Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. This was done to investigate the distributional characteristics of coat color-related genes in the Jeju horse group and the changes of its coat color-related genes by generation. The genotype frequency of the MC1R gene of E+/E+ and E+/Ee related to black coat color was 0.122 and 0.447, respectively, while Ee/Ee of the chestnut genotype was 0.429. The genotype frequency of the ASIP gene of AA/AA, AA/Aa, and Aa/Aa was 0.46, 0.448, and 0.091, respectively, where the genotype frequency of Aa/Aa turned out to be relatively low. The To/To and +/To genotype that manifests the Tobiano shape was 0.001 and 0.119, respectively, with the share of Tobiano shape around 12%. The genotype frequency of G/G and G/g of STX17 related to grey coat color was 0.002 and 0.680, respectively, with the share of grey horses among the Jeju horse group at 68.2%. As for the change of coat color genes by generation, no large changes were observed in the MC1R and ASIP genes. In ECA3-inversion, the To allele that manifests Tobiano significantly decreased following the generational change (p<0.05), while the STX17 G allele related to grey coat color significantly increased following the generational change (p<0.05). It will be necessary to examine the coat color genes when selecting breeding horses so that the diversity of coat colors among the Jeju horse group can be maintained.