让与担保最初起源于罗马法上的信托行为理论,但因其自身固有的缺陷逐 渐暴露,被质权制度、抵押制度等其他担保方式所代替。让与担保作为现代 担保物权制度的发端,由于其强大的社会功能逐渐展露,又开始在后世的司 法实务界复兴。尤其在以德国为代表的国家和地区被广泛应用,而日本有关 让与担保的理论研究和实际应用也已然趋于完善。在我国,《物权法》草案 审议过程中,围绕让与担保是否应当“入法”、选择何种方式“入法”的问题,我 国民法学术界展开了激烈的讨论,至今未果。但是,让与担保在我国现实实 务中已然存在各种问题,需要我们一一解决。让与担保是一种与抵押权、质 权不同的新型担保物权,并且通过各个视角下中国让与担保在实务中出现的 问题,以框架规制为视角提出了解决方案。同时,笔者结合让与担保的学理 问题,对两例让与担保典型案例进行探讨分析。最后,经过让与担保在中国 的可行性论证,笔者主张基于担保权构成论,鉴于让与担保标的的广泛性和 方式的非典型性,中国应当采取兼顾理论逻辑性和现实实用性的民事特别法 模式来规制让与担保,根本性的解决让与担保在实务中存在的问题。
The transferring guaranteein Romebut because ofinherent defectsreplaced by theof pledge,and otherway. The transferring guaranteetheof modernright for securitybecause of itsong social functiongradually revealed, beganthe judicial practice of RenaissanceIn particular,widely usedGermany as the representative of theand regions, theresearch and practical applicationguaranteeJapantended to improve. In our country, In thelaw"consideration of the draft, aroundtransferring guaranteebe"into the law", choose which way "into the law", the academic circlescivil law in our countryunched a fierce debate, so far no results. But, the transferring guaranteeproblemsreality of our countrythe practice,need toby one. Transferring guarantee is a kind of new real rights for security different from mortgage and pledge,by the perspective of China under each make and guarantee problems arise in practice, In the perspective of the framework regulation puts forward the solutions. At the same time, the author let doctrinal issues guarantees for two cases of collateral typical case discussion and analysis.Finally, after transferring guarantee feasibility in China, The author claimed on composition of the security right, given the make and guarantee the subject of extensive and atypical way, China should take into account the theoretical logic and practical usefulness of the civil special law to regulate the mode of collateral, fundamental solution to the problem of the existence of the guarantee in practice.