Two Political Philosophers : Cho-Sik and Tang-Zhen, A Philosophy That Overcame Temporal And Spatial Gap
불모이합의 정치사상가 남명 조식과 경만당견
이 논문은 16세기 조선시대의 南冥 曺植(1501-1572)의 정치사상과 17세기 명말 청초의 鏡萬唐甄(1630-1703)의 정치사상을 비교한 논술하였다. 두 사상가는 130 년이란 시대의 차이에도 불구하고 마치 한자리에서 같은 주제를 갖고 토론하며 교류한 듯 여러 방면에 걸쳐 공통점을 지니고 있다. 특히 부패하고 부조리한 정치현실에 대한 강력한 개혁의식과 실천정신은 그야말로 不謀而合이라 할 수 있다. 보통 성리학자들의 성향은 본언들의 의지와는 상관없이 현학적 • 이론적 공소함 에 빠지가 쉽다. 막상 그런 현상은 성리학자들 사이에 빈번하였다. 그런 점에서 남 명과 주만은 철저히 이런 성리학자들의 단점을 실천적 · 개혁적 관점에서 보완해 나아갔다. 이로부터 두 사상가는 정치현실에 그 누구보다 민감하였고, 구체적 개혁 정책으로 당대 사회 정치적 부조리의 문제를 해소하려고 노력하였다. 결국 두 사상가는 당대보다는 후대에더 큰 빛을 발하며 사상사에 큰 족적을 남기었다.
Cho-Shik(曺植) was a philosopher living in Korea(Chosun) in the 16th centucy(1501-1572) ; Tang-Zhen(唐甄) lived in Chlna (Ming Kingdom) in the 17th century(1630-1703). Though they wεre from different places and generations, their philosophies were directed toward a common goal. If you were to read a book by Cho-Shik, you would be reminded of the philosophy of Tang-Zhen; if you were to read a book by Tang-Zhen, you would be remindes of the philosophy of Cho-Shik. In other words, they shared the same beliefs and philosophies although there was no temporal or spatial connection between th장n. It might be because they were both interested in Kong-Meng(孔孟) Confucianism and respected the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). At that time, their philosophy was a new idea in terms of totally excluding ideas with no practical application, which was closer to the realism of Kong-Meng rather than to the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). In the. period of Chosun. Cho-Shik pointed out and criticized the absurdities in the politica1 sphere based on the justice of history and a moral sense of the human nature and Neo-Confucian(性理學). One hundred thirty years after Cho-Shik, Tang-Zhen made a simi1ar effort to overcome the irrational prob1ems in po1itics that prevai1ed during the period bridging the end of the Ming Kingdom and the early Qing Kingdom. The two phllosophers emphatically criticized the irrational problems in politics, and they never gave up their insistence on creating a better country because they really were concerned about the rise of the country and defeating social irrationality. Their efforts made them respected by the next generations. Their common goa1 of serving the public interest might be the reason that they shared the same ideas even though they lived in different centuries and in different places.