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도전받는 정의: 이슬람을 중심으로 KCI 등재

Justice to Be Challenged: Focused on Islam

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/310673
  • DOIhttps://doi.org/10.14493/ksoms.2015.11.81
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 7,000원
선교신학 (Theology of Mission)
한국선교신학회 (The Korean Society of Mission Studies)

이슬람은 세계적으로 큰 이슈를 만들고 있다. 종교적으로 세계 제2위의 교세를 가지고 공격적인 선교로 급성장하고 있으며, 그 열정은 메카의 성지순례(하지)에서 수백 명씩 압사하는 현상으로 드러나기도 한다. 또한 2014년부터 ‘이슬람국가’(IS)가 시리아 내전에 참여하여 석유가 생산되는 국토를 장악하면서 세계의 젊은이들을 용병으로 끌어 들이며 확전되고 있다. 2015년 9월 현재 시리아 전체 인구 2300만 명의 절반이 난민이고 400만 명이 목숨을 건 탈출을 시도하고 있다. IS의 무자비한 학살은 오늘날 정의가 도전받고 있는 확실한 증표다. 이슬람은 종교와 정치가 매우 밀접한 관계에 있으며, 개인과 사회가 구분이 없기 때문에 정치는 물론 경제와 사회 문화의 영역까지도 크게 영향을 미친다. 따라서 이 논문은 이런 영역들을 정의의 관점에서 살펴보고, 상호존중과 정의로운 평화 안에서의 기독교 선교방안을 모색한다.

This article aims to analyze justice to be challenged, based on Islam. Today Islam is one of associations which make big issues not only as a religion but in many areas all over the world. First of all, Islam, these days, is growing rapidly because of their active missionary work, and it has ranked in the second number of believers among religions in the world. The United Nations Statistics Bureau said Muslim has 1.7~1.8 billion believers, which is 25% of the world’s population. It has spread all over the world, and recently the number of Muslim is increasing in Korea with the increase of foreigners. Islam has established its state over 20 in the area of Arab. IS(Islam State) founded in 2014 participated in the civil war in Syria and captured many parts of it. And there are growing lots of conflicts between many western countries and IS because of their uncivilized mass slaughter and the spread of war in the area of Arab. So this article tried to analyse Islam trends in the viewpoint of justice and find the way to missionary work of Christianity based on mutual respect and in righteous peace. Muslims warn themselves to be secularized, affected by the western civilization because they want to make righteous Ummah to obey themselves to Allah. The secularization means the confusion of their identity,disorganization of their society and subordination under the western society. It is necessary to probe the justice in the realms of politics, economy, society and culture because Islam has no separation between individual and public lives. Islam fundamentalism has appeared since 1960s after most Islam countries became independent from the colonial rule of the western christian countries. These fundamentalists, based on the religion nationalism with religious politicization, tried to make their own state and protest secularism, which is from the United States of America. But the conflicts caused by the gap between the rich who have owned the wealth with Westernization and the poor made them to be deeply rooted. There are crashes and conflicts from Muslims’ strong missionary passion, and the missionary work of ‘dialog’ is necessary with them. The conflicts between religions result in the lack of understanding each other. Specially Korean Christianity is exclusive to the other religions. The missionary work for Christianity should not be struggled against the other religions. Through the history of missionary work, it showed that such a gospel could not be rooted properly. So the only way for Christianity to practice the holistic missionary should cooperate the global challenges to threaten justice like the starvation and the difficulty of obtaining food, ecology crisis and climate change, war and terror with the other religions more than to concentrate upon the individual soul salvation. Therefore the dialog is never abandonment of the missionary work, but it is the Trinity mission Dei that depends on the Spirit’s dynamic work in justice and peaceful coexistence with others. Even though there is peaceful coexistence between religions in diversified religious society today, we experience much more conflicts and crashes each other in the recent Islam tendency. Christianity can never preach the gospel properly in the way of injustice but should be in God’s

Ⅰ. 들어가는 글
Ⅱ. 이슬람의 동향과 정의
Ⅲ. 기독교 선교방안
  • 김은수(전주대학교, 선교학) | Eun-Soo Kim
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