The Role of IMO for the Eradication of IUU Fishing
The illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing can be properly regulated only if fishing activities, transhipment and landing of illegally caught fish, and processing of fish at sea involved in it are integrally managed. To do this, flag States, port States, coastal States, market States and relevant regional fisheries management organizations shall closely cooperate. In addition, fishing boats involved in IUU fishing often ignore requirements of safety of navigation so that they could be exposed to more causes of incidents and could have less chances to be rescued. Then, it seems to be necessary for the regulation on IUU fishing to include a certain consideration of strengthening safety of those ships. International Maritime Organization(IMO) has developed and implemented international rules for the safety of shipping. IMO has cooperated with Food and Agricultural Organization on IUU fishing since 2000 and the third joint meeting is scheduled in November 2015. This paper reviews the recommendations adopted in the previous meetings, and the measures actually taken as a result of the cooperation and, in particular, focus on the additional roles of IMO for the eradication of the IUU fishing.