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한국어판 플러턴 어드밴스드 균형 척도의 라쉬분석 KCI 등재

Application of Rasch Analysis to the Korean Version of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/312702
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한국전문물리치료학회지 (Physical Therapy Korea)
한국전문물리치료학회 (Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy)

Background: Rasch analysis estimates the probability that a respondent will endorse an item and select a particular rating for that item. It has the advantage of placing both the items and the person along a single ration scale and calibrates person ability and item difficulty onto an interval scale by logits. In addition, Rasch analysis is a useful tool for exploring the validity of questionnaires that have been developed using traditional methods. Therefore, it has been recommended as a method for developing and evaluating functional outcome measures. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the item fit, item difficulty, and rating scale of the Korean version of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale (KFAB) using Rasch analysis. Methods: Total 97 subjects (39 males and 58 females) with dwelling elderly adults were participated, but 3 people were excluded for misfit persons. Rasch analysis was then done by means of the Winsteps program to determine the item fit, item difficulty, rating scale, and reliability of the KFAB. Results: In this study, the ‘standing with feet together and eyes closed’, ‘two-footed jump’, ‘walk with head turns’, and ‘stand on foam, eyes closed’ items shown misfit statistics. The most difficult item was ‘stand on one leg’, whereas the easiest item was ‘turn in full circle’. The rating scale was acceptable with all criteria. Both item and person separation indices and reliability showed acceptable values. This would indicated that each domain covers a useful range of item difficulty that is appropriate for measuring a person with a wide range of functional ability. Conclusion: The KFAB has been proven reliable, valid and an appropriate tool with which to evaluate the balance of the elderly people.

  • 김경모(백석대학교 보건학부 물리치료학과) | Gyoung-mo Kim