Generally, in aphid groups, taxonomically deficient characters and high level of morphological plasticity induced by environmental factors make difficulties for species identification. To solve these problems, DNA barcoding has been widely used for rapid and reliable species identification in aphids. The subfamily Calaphidinae is the second largest group in the family Aphididae with about 400 species belong to 59 genera. But so far, no trial of DNA barcoding has been conducted for the subfamily Calaphidinae. In this study, a total of 446 Cytochrome oxidase I (COI) sequences of 76 morphospecies collected in Korea and other countries were analyzed to detect cryptic diversity. In addition, 551 sequences of 74 species from the Genbank and BOLD system were compared with our new dataset. The final dataset consisted of 998 sequences of 115 species. As a results, we propose 12 cryptic species with discussion on morphological and ecological comparisons. Our results suggest that DNA barcoding is effective for precise species identification in this group and contributes to reveal hidden diversity.