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식품절단기 사용 사업장의 사고성 재해 특성에 따른 개선방안 연구 KCI 등재후보

A study on the improvement of food cutting machines through industrial accident characteristics in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/315847
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

The past five years, industrial accidents due to food processing machinery have been occurred 725 cases, injury by the food cutter occurred 390 cases in its. On this study, to prevent food cutter injury, an attempt is made to present the improved documentation of fundamental safety of the food cutter workplace through the injury analysis of food cutter injury and surveys on band saw machine business field. Analyzing the result of 390 cases on food cutter injury, amputation, cut, puncture occupied 75.1 percent (293 cases), compressed occupied 23.3% (91 cases), also it showed constant component without reference to gender, age, scale of work place, service period. In the survey, lack of concentration for workers have been pointed out as the biggest factor in the cause of band saw machine injury. Meanwhile, such as the EU and Japan, whereas presents safety standards about band saw machines that are tailored to each country, on the other hand, South Korea doesn't provide the standards. To prevent the food cutter injury, safety standards need to be established in consideration of amputation, cut, puncture, compressed injury and financial support is required to procure protective equipment at each place of business.

1. 서 론
 2. 연구내용 및 방법
 3. 연구결과
  3.1 식품절단기의 재해특성
  3.2 골절기 사용사업장 설문조사
  3.3 골절기의 해외 제도
 4. 결론
 5. References
  • 이홍석(한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) | Hong-Suk Rhee
  • 이관형(한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원) | Kwan-Hyung Yi Corresponding Author
  • 박민기(닐슨코리아) | Min-Ki Park