A Qualitative Study of Food Consumer Behavior Using the Means-end Chain Method - Illustrating Research into Swede’s Perception on Asian Food -
The principal objective of this study was to analyze Swede’s perceptions of Asian food using a means-end chain method, which may contribute to our understanding of new markets for a food industry interested in globalizing Korean food. With the Means-end chain method, one can determine the cognitive structures built in consumer’s minds, which are developed by connecting attributes of product, consequences, and values. The attributes of Asian food that are most positively perceived by Swedes are ‘fresh vegetables’, ‘low-fat’, ‘light meat and seafood’, ‘exotic ingredients’, ‘not expensive’ and ‘unknown food’. The consequences of eating Asian food connected to these attributes are ‘healthy’, ‘tasty’, ‘good way to save money’ and ‘curious’. Finally, Swedes expect to enjoy a value of ‘achievement’ at the end. Based on the result that ‘unknown food’ attribute is connected to ‘achievement’ value, Swedes are assumed to be attracted by the fact that Korean food is ‘unknown food’. However, the effect of the ‘unknown food’ attribute will fade away with time; therefore, stressing Korean food’s status as a ‘healthy’ food, which can be attributed to its use of ‘fresh vegetable’ and ‘light meat and seafood’ ingredients and ‘low fat’ cooking method may be effective as a long-term strategy for making Korean food attractive. The ‘healthy’ consequence is connected to Swedes’ perception of the value ‘achievement’ and simultaneously to their perception of the value ‘belonging and love/sense of belonging’.