A Brief Analysis of the Delegative Dichotomy of Federal Government Functions and the Legal Position of Recognized Organizations Authorized to Inspect Vessels under the U.S. Delegation Regime
매우 빠르게 확장되어 가고 있는 지식산업사회, 안전사회 및 복지사회 등의 양태는 정부에게 그에 상응하는 공적 기능의 정교화를 요구하게 되었다. 그에 따라 정부가 수행하는 국가사무는 단순반복적인 것에서부터 고도의 과학기술 적인 사안에 이르기까지 비약적으로 다양화되었고 복잡하게 되었다. 정부는 국가사무를 한정된 예산 내에서 효율적으로 이행하기 위해 점차 민간에게 사무를 맡겨 처리하게 함으로써 행정의 간소화와 시민의 참여확대를 도모하게 되었다. 정부가 민간에게 국가사무를 맡기는 방식은 대한민국은 정부조직법상 민간위 탁이 상정되어 있으나 개별법상으로는 대행 등이 많이 활용되고 있다. 해상의 분야에 있어서는 주로 국제항행선박에 대해서 국제협약, 국내법령, 선급규칙 등 에 따라 감항성에 관한 규칙적합성 검사를 수행하는 선급법인과 같은 민간 선 박검사단체가 정부로부터 일정한 위탁유사의 관계를 맺고 국가사무에 참여하 고 있다. 이 글에서는 민간위탁제도가 가장 오랫동안 정립되어 왔고 국가사무 를 기능적으로 유형화하여 운용하고 있는 미국의 위탁제도를 살펴보고 그 제도 내 공인선박검사기관에 대한 규제가 어떻게 형성되어 있는지 살펴보고자 한다.
Today’s society requires a government to perform a diversity of complex contemporary challenges such as knowledge-based high-end industrial needs, SHEQ-related systematic requirements and welfare-securing social safety nets, which extensively range from a very simple recurring task to a state of the art technology based measure including technical inspection of vessels in accordance with statutory and international requirements. Within the limited government budgets, however, those challenges have constantly led governments to more and more rely upon private sectors in terms of their expertises and experiences as well as participatory democracy so that a streamlined and effective government functionality may be realized and structurally stabilized to the satisfaction of voting citizens and taxpayers. Thus, since the late 1970s, every country's legal environment scrambled to embrace the system of delegation of government tasks to a private sector with each developing its own version of law and administration, and so did the Republic of Korea legislating delegative norms under the Government Organization Act and its implementing regulations, which, however, due to their restrictive approach, are said to insufficiently reflect the reality of critical functions with regard to the mandatory vessel inspections and the Recognized Organization(RO)'s legal relation with a government. In the meanwhile, the delegation of governmental authority to a private sector in the United States is often evaluated to have gone through a lot of practical and normative experiments and accumulative administrative experiences, making it all worthwhile to benchmark their approach. Therefore, in this paper, peeping into the delegation system of the United States would benefit us to understand how to define or clarify the nature of vessel inspection activities and the legal position of the ROs under the laws of delegation in light of their conventional and transhistorical contributory values to safety at sea.