In Baekyang rice fields near the Junam reservoir, 87 of White-naped cranes Grus vipio and 1,010 individuals of White-fronted geese Anser albifrons were observed on average. The number of White-naped cranes and White-fronted geese observed in B site was higher than that in A site where the frequency of disturbances such as vehicles and visitor’s accesses were higher. After the vehicles’ and people’s access were controlled, the number of White-naped cranes used in A site increased significantly, but that of White-fronted geese didn’t increase significantly. We propose that the controls for the vehicles’ and visitor’s accesses to the Baekyang birdwatching facilities in A site from November to March will stably enhance the foraging opportunity of White-naped crane in the Baekyang rice fields. Among the four types of rice fields, Whitenaped cranes and White-fronted geese preferred mostly to forage at the rice fields which were not plowed and straws were removed. White-fronted geese also preferred to forage at the barley cultivated fields. Small number of White-naped cranes choose the rice fields which were not plowed and straws were left with highest density of seeds (308 m2) in rice fields and lowest proportion of Baekyang rice fields. And the two species didn’t forage at the plowed rice fields. We propose to recommend to farmers to leave straws and not to plow in rice fields.