OBJECTIVES : This study develops an evaluation method, which is useful to inspect pavement condition of specific boroughs. This is because pavement condition is broadly divided into five grades via visual inspection, which does not consider the types of deteriorations, and is decided by an investigator having a subjective viewpoint. This visual inspection method is not a satisfactory method for accurate maintenance when various deteriorations occur. METHODS: The performance model considers several factors such as crack, rutting, and IRI. This method is also modified from borough SPI based on SPI (Seoul Pavement Index). Considering limited budget of borough, PI (prediction index) is suggested, which is related to the grade of pavement condition evaluation and type of materials. Practical correlation review is also conducted with statistical verification by using the Monte Carlo simulation. RESULTS: The results of the study show that modified criteria are reasonable. First, the comparison between the visual inspection result and the SPI result indicates that the R-square value is sufficiently high. Second, through the common section, each evaluation method could be compared, and the result shows considerable similarity, which increases when the range is modified. Finally, PI for predicting remaining life and the random number SPI have common parts, which means that each indicator would be adequate to be used as an evaluation method. CONCLUSIONS : Comparison and analysis results show that the developed evaluation method is reasonable for specific boroughs where financial support is inadequate for the evaluation process by using the newer equipment. Moreover, for more accurate evaluation method, previous visual inspection data should be utilized, and the database of inspection equipment have to be collected.