Antibiotic Resistance Patterns and Molecular Biological Characteristics of Methicillin Resistant Staphy/ococCUS aureus Isolated from Clinical Specimen in a University Hospital
Methic illin - resistant StaphyJococcus aureus(MRSA) is not only a common cause of nosocomial infections worldwide but also leading to seri ous illnesses with high rates of mortali ty , This study was performed to determine resistance patterns and molecul ar biological ca racteri slics on MRSA isolated from clinical specimen, The purpose is to provide valua ble in formation related to t he purs uit 0 (' in('ec tion trace and infe<:tion control The test of susceptibility to 17 kinds antibiotics showed that these bacterias were susceptible to glycope ptides s uch as vancomycin, teicoplanin by 100%, rifarnpin by 65, 8%, They we re a lso 100% resistance to peni cillin , cefotaxim, gentamycin and aminoglycoside drugs , and showed 68, 56% multidrug res is ta nce to a bove 13 a ntibi oti cs incl uding peni cillin, 1n the analysis of MRSA using PCR, mecA was detected in every MRSA at 35 s t ra i ns a nd l'emA in 94 1%, ln a test , to de tect toxic genes, six genes, such as sea, seb(8, 6% res pectively)‘ sec(51, 4%) ‘ seg, se i(65 , 7% res pectively) and seh(2 , 9%) were found Finally , in resisrance chract eristics, toxic genes we re isola ted c1 ifferently acco rcling to specimen but there was no c1ifference res istance pattern ancl toxic genes The c1ata from t his s t ucly contribule to a more prec ise knowledge about the resistance pa ttern of MRSA in a clinical sett ing in k orea ancl regarcl exa mi na ti on of resis ta nce pattern accorcling to molecular biological methocl are expectecl to provide bas ic informa ti on on MRSA di ssemination and infection contro