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Reparations: The Problem of Social Dominance

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/328539
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세계환경사회거버넌스학회 (World Association for Island Studies)

In theory, reparations provide redress for past injustices. They reflect political attempts to seek to balance the scales of justice in the wake of crimes against humanity, gross human rights abuses, and other tortious state action. As one of the more politically salient legal academic subjects, however, it is clear that the sociopolitical processes within and between states greatly influence when, why, and how reparations are used. Reparations theorists have done an excellent job developing vital models for use by states to provide warranted redress. Roy L. Brooks and Eric Yamamoto, both of whom have contributed to this journal in the past, have developed the Atonement and Social Healing models of reparations respectively.

  • Carlton Waterhouse, J.D.(Professor of Law Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law)