Jung, In-Gyo, Kim, Hui-Seop & Kim Eun-Il. 1996. Stress on the English Loan Words Spoken by Speakers of Kyungsang Dialect. Studies in Modern Grammatical 8: 1-24. This study discusses the misaccentuation on the English loan words spoken by the speakers of Kyungsan8 Dialect. Most speakers of Kyungsang dialect tend to pronounce the English loan words in the same kind of pitch contour when they speak Korean or Sino-Korean words rather than by the English stress rules. To find the types of pitch contour of English loan words, 10 native speakers of Kyungsang dialect were asked to pronounce 120 words, which were analyzed by CSL(Model 4300B). This study shows that the types of pitch contour are generally determined bY the CV structure of the syllables and presents a guide to help students pronounce the correctly stressed English loan words.