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국내외 수집 백수오 유전자원 화서의 형태적 차이 및 유전적 특성

Analysis for the Morphological Difference of Inflorescence and Genetic Diversity of Cynanchum wilfordii L. Collected Resources in Korea and Other Countries

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/335284
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한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)
  • 김기현(충청북도농업기술원) | Ki Hyun Kim (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.) Corresponding author
  • 윤철구(충청북도농업기술원) | Cheol Ku Youn (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.)
  • 김인재(충청북도농업기술원) | In Jae Kim (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.)
  • 이희두(충청북도농업기술원) | Hee Do Lee (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.)
  • 홍성택(충청북도농업기술원) | Seong Teak Hong (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.)
  • 홍의연(충청북도농업기술원) | Eui Yon Hong (Chungcheongbukdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Cheongju 28130, Korea.)
  • 문병철(한국한의학연구원) | Byeong Cheol Moon (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon 34054, Korea.)
  • 우선희(충북대학교 식물자원환경화학부) | Sun Hee Woo (Department of Crop Science, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28230, Korea.)