An Analysis of the Voice-leading in Skryabin, Prelude, Op. 74, No. 4 by Transformational Network Model
The purpose of this paper is to explain the horizontal structure of Prelude, Op. 74, No. 4 by Skryabin objectively and logically by utilizing transformational networks to analyze the voice leading of this music. David Lewin explained transformational relations in musical space through a visual graph called a network and introduced a frame of analysis which simplified complicated aspects of music. There were other methods that analyse horizontal voice leading in atonal music by means of Lewin's transformational theory. Of these methods, Henry Klumpenhouwer's ‘transformational networks’ and Shougn J. O'Donnell's ‘dual transformation’ have been adopted as a primary analytical method for this article. The network of Prelude, Op. 74, No. 4 by Skryabin is composed of eleven types of set classes, made up of transposition transformation. The network has verified the similarity between pitch classes by utilizing isography, which shows its pitch-class contents. In this article, I hope to show that atonal music composition has a delicate structure.