A slope stability analysis has been done on Daesungri area by a computer program using limit equilibrium (Sarma method,1979). For this study, the authors modified the iteration technique and menu system of the algorithm which has been suggested by Hoek(1986). Sarma method is known as a suitable tool for evaluation of slope failure taking into account the kinematics of sliding blocks, and can be used for analysis of slopes of complex profiles such as circular, non-circular, planar sliding surfaces or any combination of these. The insertion of iteration technique and hydrodynamics in this method is very efficient, and gives an accurate estimate of static factor of safety. The analysis allows to specify different shear strength for each slice side and base, and therefore the submergence of any part of slopes is automatically analysed by taking the coordinates of phreatic surface. This program in combination with those stereographic technique developed by Appfied Geology Division of KIER(Korea Institute of Energy and Resources) in 1988 can be expected to give a useful result into evaluation of slope stability