배는 배우체 자가 불화합성을 보이며, 이것은 단일 유전자좌의 복대립 유전자에 의하여 제어된다. '원교 나-자수정 2호'는 농촌진흥청 국립원예특작과학원에서 고품질 조생종 '원황'에 '92-18-79' (오사이십세기 자식계통, S4smS4sm)를 2001년에 교배하여 얻은 계통 중에 자가 결실성이며 품질이 우수하여 중간모본으로 선발되었다. 만개기는 '오사이십세기'보다 1일 정도 빠르고 '원황'과는 유사하다. 수세는 중, 수자는 반개장형이다. 검은별무늬병(V
Pear has a gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) system and its SI reaction is controlled by a single multi-allelic S-locus. 'Wonkyo Na-jasoojung 2' was selected from a cross between 'Wonwhang', early season major pear cultivar with high fruit quality and self-incompatible, and 92-18-79 (S4smS4sm) obtained from self cross of 'Osa-nijisseiki' (S2S4sm) (SM, stylar-part mutant), self-compatible bud mutant that originated from self-incompatible 'Nijisseiki' (S2S4) made in 2001 at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration in Korea. '92-18-79' was selected as a self-compatible source through field investigation. It bloomed 1 day earlier than 'Osa-Nijisseiki' and similar to 'Wonwhang' in 2008. It is medium in tree vigor and spreading in tree habit. 'Wonkyo Na-jasoojung 2' is classified as highly susceptible to pear scab (Venturia nashicola) similar to 'Osa-Nijisseiki' and as resistant to black spot (Alternaria kikuchiana) similar to 'Wonwhang'. It had 65.7% fruiting rate by self pollination. The average optimum harvest time of 'Wonkyo Na-jasoojung 2' was 148 days after full bloom and it matured 2 days earlier than 'Osa-Nijisseiki' and 11 days later than 'Wonwhang'. The fruit is roundish oblate in shape and yellowish brown in skin color. Average fruit weight was 445 g and soluble solids content was 13.3 ºBrix. The flesh had abundant juice and negligible grit.