"갈채"는 유색 고수율 나물콩 신품종 육성을 목표로 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 육성한 나물콩 품종으로 주요특성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. "갈채"의 신육형은 유한형, 꽂색은 자색, 엽형은 타원형이며, 모용색 및 성숙기 꼬투리색은 갈색이고, 종피색 및 배꼽색은 갈색으로 립형은 구형이다. 2. "갈채"의 성숙기는 10월 2일로 다원콩보다 6일 늦은 중생종이며, 100립중이 8.4 g으로 소립종이다. 3. "갈채"는 콩 모자이크병 중 괴저병에 강하며,
A new sprout-soybean cultivar, "Galchae" was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2008. Galchae was selected from a cross between YS1287 and Jinju#1. The preliminary, advanced, and regional yield trials to evaluate the performance of Iksan 64 were carried out from 2005 to 2008. This cultivar has a determinate growth habit with purple flower, brown pubescence, brown seed coat, brown hilum, rhomboid leaflet shape and small seed size (8.4 grams per 100 seeds). The maturity date of "Galchae" is 6 days later than the check variety, "Dawon". It has good seed quality for soybean-sprout and resistance to lodging. This cultivar has resistance to soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and necrotic symptom (SMV-N). The average yield of "Galchae" was 2.51 ton per hectare in the regional yield trials (RYT) for double cropping carried out for two years from 2007 to 2008.