자연발생포장 및 톱다리개미허리노린재 접종구에서 협 피해 및 수량 감소가 적었던 품종은 풍산나물콩, 소백나물콩, 두유콩, 신팔달콩 2호로 다른 품종에 비해 노린재 선호도가 낮은 품종으로 생각되었고, 명주나물콩, 만리콩, 황금콩은 피해가 심한 품종으로 분류되었다. 콩 품종간 톱다리개미허리노린재 선호성으로 모용색이 회백색인 품종군의 피해율이 13.0%인데 비해 갈색모용의 품종군은 8.2%로 피해율이 낮았으며, 제색도 황색에 비해 담갈색>갈색>회갈색 순으로 제
In recent years, an increasing amount of research has been conducted on the yield loss of soybean crop caused by Riptortus clavatus, a serious pest of legumes. The objective of this study were to examine crop damage caused by various population densities of R. clavatus and determine the association of unique growth and seed characteristics with crop damage rate in conventional soybean fields. Major growth responses to R. clavatus were examined. The cultivars that were not as seriously damaged by R. clavatus were Pungsannamulkong, Sobaegknamulkong, Duyoukong, and Sinpaldal 2, but Myeongjunamulkong, Mallikong, and Hwangkeumkong were significantly (P<0.05) damaged. The rate of seed damage caused by R. clavatus was 8.2% in a group of brown colored pubescence, while the rate was 13.0% in a group of the gray colored. Crop damage by R. clavatus clearly more reduced in cultivars with dark hilum colors including dark brown, brown, and grayish brown than those with yellow hilum colors. Concerning pod colors, crop damage was less significant in cultivars with dark brown pod color than with the light brown. Cultivars with short pod length (4.0-4.5 cm) at full seed (R6) stage showed lower seed damage rates by R. clavatus than those with long pod length (>5.6 cm). Therefore, characteristics of hilum, pod, pubescence colors, and pod length were significantly related and linked to the cultivar resistance to R. clavatus.