"칠보"는 국립식량과학원 영덕출장소에서 2007년에 육성한 쌀 품위가 좋고 밥맛이 양호하며 바이러스병에 강한 중만생 벼 품종으로 주요 특성과 수량성을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 출수기는 평야지의 보통기 재배에서 8월 15일로 "화성벼"보다 3일 늦은 중만생종이다. 2. 주당수수는 18개로 "화성벼"보다 3개 많으며 수당립수는 적은 편이고 등숙비율은 더 높으며 현미천립중은 비슷한 중립종이다. 3. 심복백이 거의 없고 "화성벼"보다 맑고 투명하며 도정률
A new commercial rice variety "Chilbo" is a japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) with resistance to rice stripe virus and high grain quality. It was developed by the rice breeding team of Yeongdeog Substation, NICS, RDA in 2007. This variety was derived from a cross between "Yeongdeog 26" with wind tolerance and lodging resistance and "Koshihikari" with good grain quality. A promising line, YR21324-119-3-2 was selected by a pedigree breeding method and designated as "Yeongdeog 44" in 2004. Regional adaptation yield trials were carried out at eleven locations from 2005 to 2007. As a result, "Yeongdeog 44" was released as a high yielding rice variety with high grain qualilty and virus resistance with the name of "Chilbo". It is short 76cm in culm length and has medium-late growth duration. This variety is resistant to stripe virus and middle resistant to leaf blast disease. It is also tolerant to cold, dried wind. Milled rice kernel of "Chilbo" is translucent, clear in chalkiness. Panel test proved that and it has good eating quality. Head rice ratio of Chilbo is high compared to the check variety, Hwaseongbyeo. Yield potential of "Chilbo" in milled rice is about 5.57MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level of local adaptability test. This variety would be adaptable to Yeongnam plain, south & east-south coastal, south mid-mountainous, middle plain area of Korean peninsula.