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폴리이미드 분리막을 이용한 이산화탄소 포집공정: 실배가스로부터 연구실 규모 및 실증 규모 평가

CO2 separation process using polyimide membrane: Lab-scale and pilot-scale tests from flue gas

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/345572
모든 회원에게 무료로 제공됩니다.
한국막학회 (The Membrane Society Of Korea)

Membrane-based gas separation is one of the next generations’ gas separation technology for carbon capture and storage (CCS). Membrane process has the advantages of i) low energy consumption without a phase change during the separation, ii) small footprint and easy scale-up of membrane modules, and iii) clean process without any emission of harmful byproducts. However, the requirement of CO2 separation membrane for CCS has limited the application of gas separation membranes in the industrial field. Here, we demonstrate the strategies to approach to the current limitation by developing a high flux of polymeric hollow fiber membrane. The membrane performance in this work is 900 GPU (1 GPU = 10-6 cm3/cm2‧sec‧cmHg) of CO2 permeance. The CO2 capture pilot plant using multi-stage membrane processes at KDHC has been on-site tested.

  • 한상훈((주)에어레인) | Sang Hoon Han
  • 정수정((주)에어레인) | Soo Jung Jung.
  • 이충섭((주)에어레인) | Chung-Seop Lee
  • 고형철((주)에어레인) | Hyung Chul Koh
  • 하성용((주)에어레인) | Seong Yong Ha