‘오렌지크라운’ 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2007년에 육성된 절화용 FA 아속간 잡종 나리이다. 1995년에 1차 교배로 신나팔나리 ‘라이잔’과 아시아틱나리 ‘A61’ 계통간의 교잡에서 ‘FA97-30’ 계통을 선발하였다. 그러나, 만생종이며, 하엽의 발생이 심각하여 다시 2001년에 ‘A01-187’ 적색 아시아틱나리 계통을 교잡하여 2004년 ‘FA04-27’ 계통을 선발하였다. 이 계통은 2005년부터 조직배양에 의한 대량증식, 순화 및 양구를
A FA (Lilium formolongi × Lilium asiatic hybrid) intersectional hybrid lily cultivar ‘Orange Crown’ was developed in 2007 at National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) of Korea. The cross and immature embryo rescue was conducted between female parents ‘Migreen’ (Lilium formolongi ‘Raizan’ × Lilium asiatic hybrid ‘A61’) and male parent ‘A01-187’ (L. asiatic ‘A96-28’ × ‘Sanzio’) by cut style pollination method at Suwon in 2001. It was preliminarily selected as ‘FA04-27’ in 2004. Multiplication, bulb production and characteristic tests were conducted from 2004 to 2007. The evaluation of characteristics and preference were surveyed at a lily flower show of NIHHS at Taean in 2007. ‘Orange Crown’ flowers in the late of June and grows more than 183 cm stem length. Flowers bloom upward-facing, a little spotted and orange (RHS, O24A) petals. The pollen of ‘Orange Crown’ was sterile.