농촌진흥청 원예특작과학원에서는 2008년에 진한 자주색의 수출용 중 대형품종을 육성할 목적으로 1995년에 진자주색계 중형종 C. Miake'Pieta'와 중형종 진분홍색계 'Allstar Mariane' 품종을 교배하여 진자주색계 '퍼플스타'Cymbidium 'Purple Star' 신품종을 개발하였다. 1996년부터 2007년까지 종자기내파종, 온실양성, 선발 그리고 특성검정으로 균일성, 안정성, 화색, 화수, 엽형 등이 우수하여 2008년 12월
Cymbidium 'Purple Star'(Miake 'Pieta' x 'Allstar Mariane') was developed from a cross between hybrids at the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) in 2008. A cross was made between purple colored flower C. Miake 'Pieta' as maternal line and dark pink colored flower, C. 'Allstar Mariane'as paternal line in 1995. The seed germination, cultivation, selection, and characteristic trials were conducted from 1996 to 2002. The line was named as Wongyo '1-21'and phenotype was characterized in 2007 as a new cultivar. The 'Purple Star'has dark purple basal color (RHS, GP186A) on both of sepal and petal with red lip (RHS, RP59A). 'Purple Star'has about 10.7 flowers per flower stalk and flower size of 7.6 cm. General appearance of petals and sepals is slightly incurved shape. The plant size is intermediate having erect peduncle. Blooming is started from the late of January (mid-winter) under optimal culture condition. Leaf attitude and twisting is erect and weak respectively. This hybrid has attractive floral arrangement, long flower stalk (78.4 cm) and vigorous growth. 'Purple Star'has a great potential for exporting to Chinese market.