Green Dream' 품종은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2009년도에 육성한 포인세티아 품종이다. 이 품종은 2006년에 진한 녹색잎에 초장이 짧고 아담한 연황색의 'Lemon Snow'를 모본으로, 생육이 왕성하고 진한 분홍색인 'Freedom Rose'를 부본으로 인공 교배하여 양성된 실생계통이다. 2007년과 2008년 2차에 거쳐 특성검정을 하여 '원교 D5-64'를 육성하였고 2009년에 3차 특성검정과 품평회를 실시하여 최종선발 하였으며, 농작물
A new poinsettia cultivar 'Green Dream' was bred by the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science (NIHHS) in 2009. A cross was made between 'Lemon Snow' a variety with dark green leaves and light yellow-green bracts, and 'Freedom Rose' a variety with vigorously growing deep pink bracts in 2006. 'Green Dream'was finally selected in 2009 after the investigation of the growth and flowering characteristics from 2007 to 2009. 'Green Dream' has light yellow-green ovate bracts and medium intensity of rugosity between bract veins. Leaf blade is ovate and dark green. Petiole length is long, and stem color is greenish. 'Green Dream' has medium free-branching ability and long plant height. 'Green Dream's bracts and transitional leaves are fully colored 7 weeks after short day commencement.