This study was performed to acquire the information on the foodborne pathogen risk management programs in a couple of developed countries by the expert meeting and searching the information on the web. The backgrounds, strategies and effects related to microbial hazards of the foodborne pathogen reduction programs in fresh produce (US), Escherichia coli O157:H7 in ground beef (US), Salmonella in chicken, pork and eggs (Denmark), and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in seafood (Japan) were investigated for case study. A comparison among the pathogen reduction programs was conducted to find advantages and disadvantages and implications of the policies to bring out implications of the programs. A model for foodborne pathogen reduction program was developed based on both the CODEX risk management scheme and the case studies as follows; 1) preliminary risk management activities, 2) planing a foodborne pathogen reduction program, 3) option identification and selection, 4) implementation (conducting the each stake-holders role and applying the intervention methods), 5) monitoring activities, 6) interim review, 7) continuation or amendment of implementation method by the interim review before achieving the goal, and 8) final review and additional cost-benefit analysis if necessary. This proposed model according to the role of the stake-holders can be used to conduct microbial risk management programs in Korea in the near future.