
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is a view in the scholarly community that although the Codex Yupian (卷軸本《玉篇》) was a detailed text with many explanations, it neglected the phonetic-meaning relations. Taking the Codex Yupian as the research material, we analyze the phonetic-meaning relations of the initial tone of one phonetic, initial tone of one phonetic+youyin (又音), initial tone of two phonetics, initial tone of two phonetics+youyin, initial tone of three phonetics, and no phonetic entries, and analyze the relations between phonetic and meaning in the context of literature, The similarities and differences in the meanings of the items, and the comparison with the Daguang Yihui Yupian (《大廣益會玉篇》), Jingdian Shiwen (《經典釋文》) and Codex Yupian, as well as the source of youyin and the corresponding relationships between phonetics and meanings, to illustrate that Codex Yupian edited by Gu Yewang (顧野王) has a very complicated explanation. This study shows that Gu Yewang had a clear explanatory style and a matching relations between sound and meaning, and that the emergence of multiple sounds and multiple meanings. It is the result of Gu Yewang’s “summarizing all the texts and studying all the classics” and “studying the Six Classics and studying all the Hundred Books”, and it is the result of the fusion of the peoples of the North and South Dynasties. It is also the result of the development of language under the ethnic fusion of the North and South Dynasties and the compilation of the literature of the time. The book plays an important role in standardizing and clarifying the relationship between morphology, phonology and meaning during the North and South Dynasties.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 코덱스 식품분류에 포함된 식물성 가공식품 에 대해 그 원료식품에 대한 코덱스 식품원료 분류 정보 (그룹 및 subgroup)와 국내 식품원료 분류 포함 여부를 파 악하기 위해 수행되었다. 연구 결과를 간략히 요약하면 다 음과 같다. 첫째 코덱스 주요 가공식품 그룹별로 코덱스 분류 내용을 가공식품 그룹(분류 코드의 수/원료식품이 포 함되는 식품원료 그룹 수/식품원료 분류에 포함되지 않은 원료식품의 수)로 보면, 건조 과일류(46/8/0), 건조 채소류 (76/11/1), 건조 허브류(54/4/12), 곡류 도정 가공품(36/1/0), 차(19개 코드, 가공식품으로만 분류), 식물성 조제유(17/4/ 3), 식물성 정제유(34/8/9), 과일 주스(20/8/0), 채소 주스(3/ 2/0)로 나타났다. 둘째 국내 식품원료 분류에 포함되어 있 지 않은 원료식품의 수는 건조 과일류 9종, 건조 채소류 14종, 건조 허브류 35종, 곡류 도정 가공품 0종, 차 6종, 식물성 조제유 3종, 식물성 정제유 9종, 과일 주스 2종, 채 소 주스 0종이었다. 셋째 코덱스와 국내 식품 분류에 차 이를 보이는 코코넛(코덱스는 열대과일뿐만 아니라 견과 로도 분류), 올리브(유지종실뿐만 아니라 열대과일로도 분 류) 그리고 코덱스 분류에서 특이점을 보이는 건조 고추( 향신료로 분류, 건조채소류로 분류하지 않음), 토마토 주 스(원료식품은 채소류, 주스는 과일주스로 분류), 생강(잎 은 식품원료 분류에 포함되어 있지 않으나 뿌리줄기는 향 신료에 포함)과 같은 식품에 대해 코덱스 식품 분류를 활 용하는 데 주의가 필요한 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 한국 전통 식품에서 Salmonella Typhimurium 와 Listeria monocytogenes의 검출에 대하여 LAMP에 기 반한 3M Molecular Detection Assay 2 (3M MDA 2)와 식품공전에 등재된 분리배지, real-time PCR의 검출 성능을 비교하고자 하였다. 육회와 육사시미에 100–104 CFU/25 g 의 수준으로 S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogenes을 각각 접종하였다. Citrobacter freundii와 Listeria innocua는 S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogene의 검출에 영향을 주는 균으로 사용하였다. S. Typhimurium와 L. monocytogenes만 100–104 CFU/25 g수준으로 접종한 모든 시료에서는 분리 배지, real-time PCR과 LAMP에서 양성으로 검출되었다. C. freundii와 L. innocua를 같이 접종한 경우에서 부분적으로 양성이 나타났다. 육회와 육사시미에 대하여 real-time PCR 보다 3M MDA 2가 더 검출효율이 높음을 알 수 있었다. 분리배지가 가장 검출효율이 높았지만 3M MDA 2와 큰 차 이가 없었다. 배지를 사용하는 방법은 최소 일주일의 시간이 소요되고 PCR의 경우 inhibitor의 영향을 많이 받아 정확한 검출이 어려운 점이 있다. 그러나 LAMP에 기반한 3M MDA 2는 enrichment 후 다음 날 간단한 protocol을 통해 25분 이내로 샘플의 양성 반응을 확인할 수 있어 식중독균에 대해 신속하고 정확한 검출이 가능한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2019.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식품 안전 규제에서 위해물질에 대한 국내 기준 설정 시 국제식품규격위원회(Codex Alimentarius Commission, CAC) 기준과의 조화를 위한 검토가 요구되며 이를 위해 서는 코덱스 식품분류에 대한 정확한 이해가 필요하다. 따라서 여기에서는 CAC(코덱스) 식품분류 개정 작업이 2017 년에 완료된 곡류, 그리고 2018년에 완료된 견과종실류와 허브 및 향신료에 대해 개정된 코덱스 식품분류 내용을 소개하고자 하였다. 그 내용을 간략히 요약하면 다음과 같다. 코덱스 식품분류에는 국내 식품분류(식품의약품안전처 의 분류)에서 곡류에 해당하는 것으로 Group 020 cereal grains (6개 subgroup), 견과종실류에 해당하는 것으로 3개 그룹, Group 022 tree nuts (subgroup 없음), Group 023 oil seeds and oilfruits (5개 subgroup), Group 024 seeds for beverages and sweets (subgroup 없음)가 있다. 그리고 허브와 향신료의 경우 코덱스에는 2개 그룹, Group 027 (3 개 subgroup), Group 028 (9개 subgroup)이 있다. 코덱스 식품분류에서 식품에 부여된 commodity code의 수는 Group 020 27개, Group 022 32개, Group 023 46개, Group 024 4개, Group 027 127개, Group 028 138개 이다. 한편 코덱스와 식품의약품안전처의 식품분류 사이에는 여러 차이점 이 있었다. 예를 들면 국내 식품분류에서는 곡류나 허브를 코덱스처럼 세분화하지 않았고 코덱스와 달리 땅콩을 견과류에 묶어서 한 그룹으로 분류하고 있고 기타식물류를 두었다. 코덱스 식품분류를 사용할 때 이러한 차이에 대한 주의가 필요하다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Revision work on the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds was undertaken in 2007 and presently, revisions for most food groups have been completed. For vegetables, the work was conducted during 2014-2017, and the final draft revision was adopted by the 40th Codex Alimentarius Commission (2017). Here, the revised classification of vegetable commodities is introduced in order to be utilized in various food-related fields, in particular, food safety regulation. The revised classification is briefly summarized as follows: Codex classified vegetables into 10 groups (Group 009-018): bulb vegetables (Group 009), Brassica vegetables (except Brassica leafy vegetables) (Group 010), fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits (Group 011), fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits (Group 012), leafy vegetables (including Brassica leafy vegetables) (Group 013), legume vegetables (Group 014), pulses (Group 015), root and tuber vegetables (Group 016), stalk and stem vegetables (Group 017) and edible fungi (Group 018). The groups are further divided into a total of 33 subgroups. In the Classification, 430 different commodity codes are assigned to vegetable commodities. Meanwhile, Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) does not include potatoes, beans and mushrooms within a vegetable group. In addition, the MFDS divides one vegetable group into six subgroups including flowerhead Brassicas, leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, root and tuber vegetables, fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits, and fruiting vegetables other than Cucurbits. Therefore, care is needed in using the Codex Classification.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to find out a nomenclature and a code number for fruit commodities from the Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex) corresponding with a commodity name used in South Korea. In addition, nomenclature or classification for commodity that needs an alteration or detailed examination domestically was determined. In this study, ‘Food Code (Korean and English version)’ and ‘Pesticide MRLs in Food’ from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and ‘Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds’ were used. As results, regarding a nomenclature or classification used in South Korea, it appeared that alteration or further examination was needed for the following (English name of commodity, coming from an English version of Food Code). First, reconsiderations for classification of Chinese matrimony vine, fig, five-flavor magnolia vine, and pomegranate are needed as they are classified differently between Korea and Codex. Second, in any case of Korean or English language, nomenclature of commodity is different even within Korea or when it is compared with Codex. Such commodities are: Asian citron, Chinese bush cherry, Chinese matrimony vine, coconut, crimson glory vine, date palm, five-flavor magnolia vine, five-leaf chocolate vine, Japanese apricot, Japanese cornelian cherry, jujube, kiwifruit (golden kiwi), Korean black berry, Korean raspberry, kumquat, lychee, mandarin, persimmon, plum, quince, raspberry, and trifoliate orange. Third, reconsiderations for peach and raspberry nomenclatures are needed as it is currently unclear whether ‘peach’ includes nectarine and an English nomenclature, ‘raspberry’, is used in Korea for both various varieties (red, black) and one specific variety.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The developement of insecticidal soaps made by various fatty acids and organic control for insect by using of insecticidal soap(fatty acid salts) were empolyed. And the results were as follows: 1. To determine the input volume of potassium hydroxide for saponification of fatty acids, there were compared to individual acid value of fatty acids. in case of coconut fatty acids for saponification was 266.3 mg of potassium hydroxide(266g/1kg of fatty acid) was calculated. 2. To make the 25% soap content by coconut fatty acids, there was required for the 266g of potassium hydroxide and 3,459 liter of soft water. Then the liquor of soap was 4,644 liter. 3. The progress of insecticidal soap made by fatty acids was accomplished indirect heating and stirring reactor (1)to make the volume of potassium hydroxide solution and warming up(90℃) (2)input volume of individual fatty acid (3)more than 30 min stirring reaction (4)cooling progress. 4. Insecticidal value of insecticidal soap was observed more than 92% the dilution of 50 dilution solution in consecutive 5 days of 2 treatments of the 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids on the red pepper. And insecticidal value of insecticidal soap was observed more than 94% the 100 dilution solution in consecutive 5 days of 3 treatments of the 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids on red pepper and cabbage. 5. The treatment of two times of 25% soap made by coconut fatty acids at the 50 dilution solution and 100 dilution solution in spider mite on red bean has 100% insecticidal value. 6. There was no observation phytotoxic sypmtons on red pepper in field, except for 25% soap made by carprylic acid. 7. Over the two times over 0.1% in addition of isopropyl alcohol was to improvement the insecticidal effect, but there was no effect in addition of diatomaceous earth.
        2001.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This article described the production problems, import conditions of organic livestock products and background of CODEX-guideline, and presented the counterplan for future organic livestock production policy. The essential counterplan for CODEX-guideline and construction of organic livestock production basis include ; - Specific funding of research and development for excellent livestock breeding with consideration of regional enviroment-friendly applications to improve the quality of organic livestock products, - Development of production potential and resources utilization of organic feeding stuffs in domestic and foreign countries, - Horizontal and vertical organization of organic livestock farming and multifarm cooperation, - Specialization of organic livestock farming, and construction for direct or indirect linkage markets and Agro-food corperation for closer cooperation between inner and outer factor of farm management, - Construction of recycling system for the enviroment-friendly utilization of animal excrements.