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조선후기 궁중연향 시 숙설소와 중배설청의 배치와 운영에 관한 연구 -궁중연향의궤를 중심으로- KCI 등재

A Study on Layout and Operation of Suk-seol-so and Jung-bae-seol-cheong at Court Banquets in the Late Joseon - Focusing on Uigwe(Ritual Manual) for Court Banquets -

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/350337
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,900원
건축역사연구 (Journal of Architectural History)
한국건축역사학회 (Korean Association of Architectural History)

With regard to Gung-jung Yeon-hyang(宮中宴享; court banquet), the frequency of banquets that were held at one time beginning Mu-ja J in-jak(戊子進爵; a royal banquet held in 1828) in 1828 (the 28th year of King Sunjo (純祖)'s reign). In proportion to this frequency, there was an increase in the need and importance of Suk-seol-so(熟設所; a kitchen built in temporarily house for court banquet) and Jung-bae-seol-cheong(中排設廳; a temporary place to put offerings) as a space to assist court banquets. Although Suk-seol-so was a temporary but large-scale facility, it was frequently used for long periods. This facility was flexibly established using the variability of Dong-gung(東宮; Palace for Crown Prince) and enhanced the efficiency of censorship and security in conjunction with palace gates and Suk-wi-cheo(宿衛處; guard station, guard room). In addition, it was reused according to the period when the nation and royal family gave finances or banquets. Jung-bae-seol-cheong was established in the place connected to the central space of court banquets and worked as buffer space to resolve the tension on the day of the event. The location where Jung-bae-seol-cheong was established enabled us to confirm the applicability of Bok-do(複道; corridor) connected to Chimjeon(寢殿; royal residence) when holding court banquets. In short, Suk-seol-so and Jung-bae-seol-cheong were auxiliary spaces, but were considered importantly in the palace operation when holding court banquets.

 1. 서 론
  1-1. 연구의 배경과 목적
  1-2. 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 연향 공간의 계획과 보조공간의 마련
  2-1. 연향 공간의 구성과 연동
  2-2. 궁궐의 임시 주방, 숙설소의 체계와 구성
 3. 궁궐별 연향 보조공간의 조성과 배치
  3-1. 창경궁 내 연향 보조공간의 조성과 배치
  3-2. 경복궁 내 연향 보조공간의 조성과 배치
  3-3. 경운궁 내 연향 보조공간의 조성과 배치
 4. 궁중연향 보조공간 설치의 변통과 대응
  4.1 동궁 영역의 가변성과 숙설소 설치의 변통
  4.2 숙설소와 궁성문 및 숙위처의 연접 활용
  4.3 숙설소 가가 건물의 재사용과 경비절감
  4.4 중배설청의 마련과 침전 측면 복도의 활용
 5. 맺음말
  • 경세진(경북대학교 건축학부 박사과정) | Kyoung Se-Jin
  • 조재모(경북대학교 건축학부 교수) | Cho Jae-Mo Corresponding Author