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SPC관련 KS의 제개폐 및 KS A ISO 2859-3에 대한 고찰

A Study on SPC-related KS and KS A ISO 2859-3

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/350499
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한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

As a result of globalization process and TBT agreement, KS is also being revised, reestablished and some are abolished according to international standards such as ISO, IEC, etc. Conventional KS sampling inspection standards contained many different procedures from ISO, but recently, to match with international standards, all the rest of the standards except KS A 3102, 3104, 3151 were abolished, and the even the ones being in use still are also scheduled and be revised. Especially, KS A 3101, KS A 3105, KS A 3109, which were used most frequently in Korea were abolished, and the KS A ISO 2859-0~3 which coincide with ISO standards were established 3 years ago, but the implementation rate is very slow. Starting next year the national examination for qualification process for the product quality related item will the started and the preparation is underway. This study will investigate the recent sampling inspection process of KS as well as SPC related KS overhaul problem and present the data to help workers in SPC related field. One of the main example will be on KS A ISO 2859-3 and will attempt to help those medium and small sized companies with examples.

 1. 서론
 2. SPC관련 KS의 제개폐 내용
  2.1 2001년 제정
  2.2 2001년 개정
  2.3 2001년 폐지
  2.4 2001년 존속
  2.5 2002년 제정
  2.6 2002년 폐지
 3. 스킵 로트 샘플링 검사 절차
  3.1 스킵 로트 샘플링 검사를 위한 자격
  3.2 스킵 로트의 검사 절차
 4. 스킵 로트에 대한 활용 예
 5. 결론
  • 임재근(인하대학교)
  • 조병선(인하대학교)
  • 정수일(인하대학교)