본 연구는 시설원예단지의 경관개선점을 찾아보고 친환경적 조성방법과 생태계 서비스 기능이 최소화로 저감될 수 있는 방안제시를 목표로 했다. 연구결과 대부분의 평가요소에서 네덜란드, 일본 경관은 긍정적인 결과였으나 우리나라 경관은 다소 부정적으로 분석되어 비닐하우스는 일본을 유리온실은 네덜란드 경관으로 개선방향을 설정할 것을 제안하였다. 따라서 미래세대에 지속가능한 농업경관을 제공하기 위한 방안으로 생태계서비스 기능 중 경관창출을 고려한 친환경 온실단지 조성을 제안을 제안하였으며, 앞으로 추진될 대규모 간척지 개발 사업에도 본 연구가 활용되길 기대하였다.
Humans are provided with a wide range of public benefits from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems, but the establishment of the horticulture complex could be a space that hampers the public function of the agricultural ecosystem. In this study, we sought to focus the function of landscape creation of agricultural landscape and tried to analyze the landscape of the horticulture complex. Therefore, This study aims to suggest ways to build a greenhouse complex which is being indiscreetly introduced in the agriculture landscape through environmentallyfriendly manner and minimize the function of the ecosystem service. We divided the greenhouse complex into two categories of Plastic Greenhouse(v) and Glass Greenhouse(g), and compared them to the Netherland and Japan counterparts. Each image of research areas was selected by 3 pics and polled by a total of 101 people. The results of the Evaluation of Landscape Image are as shown in the figure. Netherland Glass Greenhouse scored 1.80 in terms of ‘Neat' which is one of the given 15 adjectives. Study results shows that Korean Plastic Greenhouse landscapes need to endeavor Japanese vinly greenhouses and Dutch glasshouses. Consequently, an analysis on the elements of landscapes including green area, variant elements, separation distance is essential in order to improve our country's greenhouse complex landscapes. In this regard, continuous research is required to improve rural landscapes and harmonize large-scale horticultural facilities into the existing agricultural ecosystem.