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연관규칙을 활용한 ASL 선정 연구

Study of Authorized Stockage List Selection using Association Rule

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/353123
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한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

When customers purchase a product, the process of searching for any purchase pattern process is called ‘Association Rule’. For using of this, if the customers is using unit of spare parts and the stores of displaying and selling the goods are the facility unit of having the spare parts, it will be represented that the demend pattern through the sales list in facility units. Current ASL(Authorized Stockage List) selection is the way of using the result analyzed actual experience used spare parts during the Korea War. it is specified that ASL selection criterion and procedures based on Army regulations and field manuals. This method is not conducted the association analysis between spare parts used the current equipment operating, and have not the clear criterion and analysis system about the ASL selection. In this study, in order to solve these problems, it was carried out the Association Rule targeting the sales list of the spare parts in point of between the using unit and products of occurred month based on the table designed the star-schema. And it is studied and proposed that the ASL selection way using the analysis result.

1. 서론
 2. 관련 연구
  2.1 ASL(Authorized Stockage List)
  2.2 마이크로소프트 연관규칙
 3. 모델링 및 분석
  3.1 다차원 모델링
  3.2 OLAP 큐브 구조 설계
  3.3 연관분석
 4. 비교 및 평가
  4.1 기존 ASL 선정 방법에 의한 평가
  4.2 연관분석을 활용한 ASL 선정 평가
  4.3 기존 ASL 및 재선정 ASL 비교평가
 5. 결 론
  • 최명진(호원대학교 국방기술학부) | Myoung-Jin, Choi
  • 이상훈(국방대학교 국방과학학부) | Sang-Hoon, Lee
  • 양재경(전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과) | Jae-Kyoung, Yang